Evaluation of visual memory

It is evident that the intensive energy metabolism in the left hemisphere, according to the UPP, corresponds to the best visual memory. High values ​​of SCP in the dominant hemisphere indicate that these students are more mature in their brains.

The coefficient of multiple correlation R between the inter-hemispheric potential difference as a dependent variable, and performance characteristics and psycho-physiological indicators is 0.83, p <0.002. The calculated partial correlation coefficients indicate that, while controlling the other variables, the correlation between the hemispheric potential difference and the visual memory ( part.r = -0.67, p <0.002), that is, is significant the higher the SCP in the left dominant hemisphere compared to the right, the better the memory. This implies that the relationship of the remaining educational indicators with the hemispheric difference SCP is secondary, since it reflects the relationship between visual memory and other characteristics. The calculated correlation coefficients between visual memory and training indicators are highly significant (with the exception of correlation with estimates of labor).

Of the other factors, the average SCP deserves consideration. The girls were divided into groups in accordance with the 95% confidence interval for the average SCP. The subjects, whose values ​​were lower or higher than the limits of this interval, belonged to the 1st and 3rd groups respectively. Subjects whose values ​​were within the 95% confidence interval were included in the second group. The factor significantly influenced the math performance of girls ( F = 4.09; p <0.03). The data presented in Fig. 10.5, show that the worst performance is associated with the lowest average SCP and, accordingly, energy exchange in the brain. The best performance was observed at higher values ​​of the average SCP. This indicates that a certain intensity of cerebral energy metabolism is necessary for successful learning.

local_offerevent_note June 20, 2019

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