Enteritis is the most typical and frequent manifestation of damage to the small intestine . The intestine consists of two anatomically and functionally different departments: small and large intestines. The small intestine begins with the duodenum. The duodenum passes into the skinny, and


Enteritis is the most typical and frequent manifestation of damage to the small intestine . The intestine consists of two anatomically and functionally different departments: small and large intestines. The small intestine begins with the duodenum. The duodenum passes into the skinny, and

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Duodenitis is based on dystrophic, inflammatory, degenerative changes in the mucous membrane (CO) of the duodenum (duodenum) , accompanied by a structural reorganization of the glandular apparatus with the development of metaplasia and atrophy. The following types of duodenitis are


Duodenitis is based on dystrophic, inflammatory, degenerative changes in the mucous membrane (CO) of the duodenum (duodenum) , accompanied by a structural reorganization of the glandular apparatus with the development of metaplasia and atrophy. The following types of duodenitis are

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa in response to its damage. The international classification of gastritis, called the “Sydney system” (1990), is based on histological endoscopic criteria and is the most acceptable. Gastritis is classified by type, location, morphology and etiology. By type, they distinguish: 


Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa in response to its damage. The international classification of gastritis, called the “Sydney system” (1990), is based on histological endoscopic criteria and is the most acceptable. Gastritis is classified by type, location, morphology and etiology. By type, they distinguish: 

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Diseases of the esophagus

EZOFAGIT Esophagitis is the most common disease of the esophagus of an inflammatory and degenerative nature. Basically, E is a secondary disease and accompanies a disease of the esophagus itself or other organs and systems. Etiology.                In case of damage by caustic


EZOFAGIT Esophagitis is the most common disease of the esophagus of an inflammatory and degenerative nature. Basically, E is a secondary disease and accompanies a disease of the esophagus itself or other organs and systems. Etiology.                In case of damage by caustic

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Man is a warm-blooded creature. It does not freeze in the winter and does not overheat in the summer thanks to a perfect thermoregulation system. With its help, the body temperature of a healthy person at any


Man is a warm-blooded creature. It does not freeze in the winter and does not overheat in the summer thanks to a perfect thermoregulation system. With its help, the body temperature of a healthy person at any

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WOMAN IN THE CLIMACTERIC PERIOD. More recently, it was believed that in the life of a woman there is a very unpleasant period associated with various suffering that cannot be avoided. This is the so-called menopause. And so


WOMAN IN THE CLIMACTERIC PERIOD. More recently, it was believed that in the life of a woman there is a very unpleasant period associated with various suffering that cannot be avoided. This is the so-called menopause. And so

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By the nature of the occurrence, artificial and spontaneous abortions are distinguished . Artificial abortion is an operation in which mechanical expansion of the cervix is ​​performed, then separation and removal of the ovum from the uterus. According to


By the nature of the occurrence, artificial and spontaneous abortions are distinguished . Artificial abortion is an operation in which mechanical expansion of the cervix is ​​performed, then separation and removal of the ovum from the uterus. According to

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Germ cells provide transmission of hereditary information to offspring. They contain special protein structures (chromosomes) in which hereditary factors, or genes, are concentrated. Each species of animals and plants is characterized by a specific set of chromosomes.


Germ cells provide transmission of hereditary information to offspring. They contain special protein structures (chromosomes) in which hereditary factors, or genes, are concentrated. Each species of animals and plants is characterized by a specific set of chromosomes.

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