Indicators of mental activity

Indicators of mental activity and a shift in the situation in the past among the subjects of senile age with different averaged SCD. Mental activity deteriorated at high values ​​of averaged SCD (more than 12


Indicators of mental activity and a shift in the situation in the past among the subjects of senile age with different averaged SCD. Mental activity deteriorated at high values ​​of averaged SCD (more than 12

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Emotional state in seniors

Emotional state in seniors with different values ​​of local SCP in the frontal and occipital regions . The ordinate axis – the value of the UPP. F # and O # – local SCP in the frontal and


Emotional state in seniors with different values ​​of local SCP in the frontal and occipital regions . The ordinate axis – the value of the UPP. F # and O # – local SCP in the frontal and

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Formation of functional noy asymmetry

Formation of functional interhemispheric asymmetry is also of great importance for good performance. At the age of nine, girls’ brains are characterized by a higher degree of hemispheric relationship than boys, and their academic performance


Formation of functional interhemispheric asymmetry is also of great importance for good performance. At the age of nine, girls’ brains are characterized by a higher degree of hemispheric relationship than boys, and their academic performance

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The concept of functional hemispheric asymmetry ( FMA ) arose after \ found that the symmetrical formations of the right and left hemispheres play a different role in the brain. This primarily refers to the higher cortical functions – speech, gnosis,


The concept of functional hemispheric asymmetry ( FMA ) arose after \ found that the symmetrical formations of the right and left hemispheres play a different role in the brain. This primarily refers to the higher cortical functions – speech, gnosis,

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Functional asymmetry of the activity of the hemispheres

The functional asymmetry of the activity of the hemispheres depends mainly on three factors: the asymmetry of the external environment, the nature of interhemispheric relations and the specific features of the work of each hemisphere.


The functional asymmetry of the activity of the hemispheres depends mainly on three factors: the asymmetry of the external environment, the nature of interhemispheric relations and the specific features of the work of each hemisphere.

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The history of the study of the SCP of the brain and FMA

To study the dynamic FMA successfully applied registration SCP. For the first time, an attempt was made to link functional hemispheric asymmetry with SCP. In experiments on cats, divided into groups of “right-handed”, “left-handed” and


To study the dynamic FMA successfully applied registration SCP. For the first time, an attempt was made to link functional hemispheric asymmetry with SCP. In experiments on cats, divided into groups of “right-handed”, “left-handed” and

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Dynamic characteristics of FMA

The dynamic characteristics of an FMA are conveniently investigated using SCP, since energy processes are directly involved in the activities of asymmetrically located nerve centers. Indicators of cerebral energy metabolism correlate well with various types of


The dynamic characteristics of an FMA are conveniently investigated using SCP, since energy processes are directly involved in the activities of asymmetrically located nerve centers. Indicators of cerebral energy metabolism correlate well with various types of

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Comparison of SCP differences in central regions

Comparison of the SCP differences in the central regions, registered bipolarly and obtained by subtracting the SCP in the same regions with unipolar lead, showed the identity of the resulting SCP values. Taking into account the fact


Comparison of the SCP differences in the central regions, registered bipolarly and obtained by subtracting the SCP in the same regions with unipolar lead, showed the identity of the resulting SCP values. Taking into account the fact

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Hemispheric difference UCP in the temporal areas in men and women

Since the change in cerebral functions in ontogenesis is uneven, we distinguish a number of age intervals, which are decisive for describing the dynamics of the FMA. Below are the values ​​of interhemispheric potential difference in


Since the change in cerebral functions in ontogenesis is uneven, we distinguish a number of age intervals, which are decisive for describing the dynamics of the FMA. Below are the values ​​of interhemispheric potential difference in

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Dynamics of hemispheric asymmetry UPP

The hemispheric difference between SCP changes during the day, and fatigue may be one of the factors affecting the dynamic properties of PMA. We conducted a SCP study in 16 healthy middle-aged men (36.3+ 3.8


The hemispheric difference between SCP changes during the day, and fatigue may be one of the factors affecting the dynamic properties of PMA. We conducted a SCP study in 16 healthy middle-aged men (36.3+ 3.8

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