The history of the study of the SCP of the brain and FMA

To study the dynamic FMA successfully applied registration SCP. For the first time, an attempt was made to link functional hemispheric asymmetry with SCP. In experiments on cats, divided into groups of “right-handed”, “left-handed” and “ambidexters” depending on the preferred use of the right or left front paw in instrumental reactions, it was shown that in animals of “right-handed” and “left-handed” the dominant hemisphere is more positive compared to subdominant. Similar dynamic characteristics were obtained in humans with bipolar registration of constant potentials. Later it was revealed that in right-handed young and mature age, SCP was significantly higher in the left temporal region than in the symmetric part of the left hemisphere. Left-handers have a tendency to inverse proportions of UPP in the temporal areas,however, the hemispheric differences are not significant showed that the rats divided by preference of the right or left branch of the T-maze in the development of avoidance reflexes, have a significantly different non-hemispheric difference of constant potentials. In this hemisphere, the ipsilateral side of avoidance, is more positive.

In modern works, when registering a SCP with the location of the active electrodes in different areas of the head, and the reference one on the earlobe, there are also indications of the association of FMA with SCP. For example, the work assessed the shift of the constant potential in solving human tasks related to the functions of the left or right hemisphere. A SCP was recorded for 40 s, although the cognitive task itself lasted longer. The tasks consisted in the classification according to the semantic basis of word targets in the visual and auditory presentation, recognition of well-known persons, the identification of various sounds.

Depending on the tasks being solved by the subjects being tested, SCP shifts occurred mainly in the areas of the right or left hemisphere. The authors conclude that neurophysiological mapping using SCP is a method for the simultaneous analysis of the degree of activation of various cortical areas and the assessment of FMA.

In another work, the theory of calibrated tests and the method of registering SCP were used to determine the spatial processing of information in the cortex. The subjects were divided into two extreme groups – well and poorly oriented in space. Produced mapping of SCP during the execution of tasks on spatial and verbal-analytical orientation. The left front-central negative maximum in solving verbal problems clearly contrasted with the parietal-occipital peak in the right hemisphere in solving spatial problems. Low specialization of the hemispheres was manifested in the form of high and asymmetric values ​​of SCP in the parieto-temporal areas, in individuals with good specialization, activation occurred symmetrically in the occipital and parietal-occipital areas.The data emphasizes the involvement of the right occipital cortex in solving spatial problems and suggest that subjects with poor lateralization spend more energy to solve them.

local_offerevent_note June 9, 2019

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