Dynamics of hemispheric asymmetry UPP

The hemispheric difference between SCP changes during the day, and fatigue may be one of the factors affecting the dynamic properties of PMA.

We conducted a SCP study in 16 healthy middle-aged men (36.3+ 3.8 years), working as operators of power plants 4 times during the day (9, 11, 17, and 19 hours) during their work shift.

During the day, SCP gradually increased in the right temporal region and decreased in the left. The potential difference Td-Ts at 9 and 19 hours was significantly different .

The dynamics of the SCP in the right and left temporal areas at different times at the operators with daily rhythm of labor

The ordinate axis – UPP, the abscissa – the time of day. Td, Ts – SCP values ​​in the right and left temporal areas, respectively.

So, in healthy subjects during the day, there is a change in interhemispheric asymmetry of cerebral energy exchange: in the morning, SCP and, accordingly, energy exchange prevail in the left hemisphere, and in the evening – in the right. Perhaps the dynamics of asymmetry is associated with the development of fatigue in the evening or with a circadian rhythm.

local_offerevent_note June 5, 2019

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