The stability of interhemispheric asymmetry under stress in pathological conditions

As in the norm, the correlation between the initial value of inter-hemispheric potential difference and its dynamics under load was high. The correlation coefficient was –0.92. Interestingly, in clinically healthy relatives of Alzheimer’s patients, hyperventilation changed the sign of interhemispheric gradient in 44% of cases, which is normal. Measurements performed with an interval of several days showed that in patients with BA, the stable difference of AMR persists in 85% of cases.

Inter-hemispheric differences in patients with brain tumors vary little with sedation and anesthesia. The examination of these patients took into account the sign of the hemispheric difference UPP in six symmetric leads from the right and left hemispheres: lower leg, frontal, central, parietal, temporal, and occipital. It turned out that during premedication, the sign of the difference between the AMR was maintained in 96% of patients, and during anesthesia in 85%.

So, with brain diseases, in particular those associated with aging, PMA indicators depend on the type of pathology, but are relatively stable with functional loads. 

local_offerevent_note May 28, 2019

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