The level of inadequate reactions in girls 9

Thus, there are significant differences in the connection of functional interhemispheric asymmetry in boys and girls with inadequate emotional methods of forming the level of aspirations. Boys whose SCP are higher in the right temporal region and girls who have SCP higher in the left temporal one respond least adequately. The differences found are probably due to the peculiarities of the formation of the dominant hemisphere in ontogenesis in boys and girls and, as a result, the unequal degree of involvement of the dominant hemisphere in the process of goal-setting. The test procedure itself did not cause changes in interhemispheric relationships in boys: the shift in interhemispheric difference was 0.7 + 0.7 mV. In girls, the same test was accompanied by a significant shift in the hemispheric difference of SCP by 2.0 + 0.8 mV,which arose due to the relative growth of SCP in the right hemisphere. The latter circumstance indicates the activation of the girls in the right hemisphere during the learning of the passage of the labyrinth. Considerable activity of the right hemisphere during the test is probably due to the greater maturity of hemispheric relationships: it is known that this test requires spatial organization of attention, which in adults is realized mainly through the right hemisphere. maybewhich in adults is realized mainly through the right hemisphere. maybewhich in adults is realized mainly through the right hemisphere. maybe also, that the activation of the right hemisphere in girls was associated with the development of their adaptation syndrome. However, this change was pronounced adaptive, since in this case the number of inadequate reactions decreased in girls. In boys, on the contrary, an increase in SCP in the right hemisphere was accompanied by an increase in inadequate reactions, but the level of aspirations also increased.

According to our ideas, the different role of the right hemisphere in behavioral strategies in boys and girls of 6 years is due to the stage of formation of inter-hemispheric relations. As can be seen from Chapter 5 and the data presented here, right-handed girls have a predominance of activity in the left dominant hemisphere, which determines the features of neurodynamics when choosing a strategy focused on achieving success or avoiding failures.

local_offerevent_note June 16, 2019

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