P azlichiya between boys and girls

Consider the differences between boys and girls in physiological, psychological, pedagogical and anthropometric indicators. The body weight of the examined boys was higher than that of girls: 31.5 + 0.6 kg and 27.8 + 0.5 kg, respectively.

In a number of subjects (Russian, drawing and work), the performance of girls on average was higher than that of boys.

Average grades in a number of school subjects, significantly different for boys and girls ( p > 0.05)

Girls showed significantly ( p <0.006) higher anxiety towards adults than boys.

The ordinate is the value of the SCP; on the x-axis – the characteristics of the UPP. The colored bars represent the average values ​​of the BCP indicators for boys, the uncolored rectangles are the magnitude of the standard error.

The most pronounced sex differences were noted for local SCP in the right temporal region, which was significantly higher in boys. The mean differences in the hemispheric difference between the AMPs between boys and girls were close to reliable, the significance level was p <0.052. In girls, the hemispheric potential difference was significantly different from zero and approached in sign and magnitude to the values ​​typical for adults: – 2.31 + 0.98 mV. In boys, there were no significant differences in the hemispheric difference of the OSS from zero: 0.36 + 0.91 mV. This indicates a faster rate of maturation of hemispheric relations in girls than in boys.

According to the results of analysis of variance, several factors of cerebral energy metabolism were identified that affect student performance and some psychological characteristics. In girls, hemispheric asymmetry of energy metabolism had the greatest impact on learning success; among boys, this factor was the intensity of energy metabolism in the right temporal region. These differences are probably associated with different degrees of maturity of hemispheric relations and (or) with the constitutional features of boys and girls. Another important factor affecting academic performance was the average intensity of energy metabolism in the brain.

The entire population of girls, depending on the difference between the SCP in the right and left hemispheres, was divided into three groups: with a higher SCP in the right or left hemisphere, and those with a SCP in the right and left hemisphere did not differ by more than 1 mV. In fig. 10.2 and 10.3 show the performance data of girls of these three groups in some subjects and the results of the visual-motor coordination test.

local_offerevent_note June 22, 2019

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