Correlation coefficients between SCP brain

The coefficients of the correlation between the UPP of the brain and the indicators of REG in the mastooccipital lead (temporary characteristics of the REG)

The correlation coefficients between the UCP of the brain and the indicators of REG in the mastooccipital lead (amplitude and velocity characteristics) of the blood supply, A4 / A2 – diastolic index; A1 /     
speed of rapid blood filling; A2-A1 /   * k – the maximum rate of slow blood filling. The remaining designations are the same as in Table 8.11.

Significantly less reliable correlation coefficients were found between the characteristics of SCP and REG in the frontomastical lead .

The coefficients of the correlation between the indicators of REG in the frontomastoidal lead and the UPP of the brain

It can be assumed that the characteristics of SCP and REG correlate with each other for several reasons: 1) blood supply and intensity of energy metabolism in the same areas of the brain are causally interconnected; 2) some brain structures, such as stem structures, have a significant effect on the energy metabolism of the brain as a whole, since the neural structures of the stem structures, in particular the reticular formation, are of great importance for initiating changes in energy metabolism in the big hemispheres, as is the case, for example, stress; 3) SCP indicators carry information about the activity of brain structures that regulate cerebral blood flow.

The direct relationship of energy metabolism and blood supply to the brain is reflected mainly in the positive A2 – the maximum amplitude of the REG wave; A3 is the amplitude of the REG wave at the incisura level; A4 – amplitude diastolic wave REG; A1 / k, A2 / k, A3 / k, A4 / k are the normalized amplitudes of REG waves; A2 / k * RR is the average correlation rate of SCP in the occipital region with the amplitude characteristics of the REG in the mastooccipital lead, which characterize, in particular, the blood supply in this region of the brain.

This is natural, since the higher the blood supply, the more intense the energy metabolism and the higher the SCP. The same positive correlation is observed with both arterial and venous indicators. In particular, the values ​​of A4, which characterize the blood supply of venules and veins, are also associated with a positive correlation with the amount of SCP in monopolar leads. When pathology is high SCP, especially in the occipital abduction, is often observed during venous stasis, when the acidity of the blood flowing from the brain increases.

local_offerevent_note July 27, 2019

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