To drink or not to drink: What medications should not be combined with

IN THESE OR OTHER SITUATIONS, DRUGS have to be taken by every person. It seems that the basic rules are known to everyone: do not combine antibiotics with alcohol or, for example, do not drink pills on an


IN THESE OR OTHER SITUATIONS, DRUGS have to be taken by every person. It seems that the basic rules are known to everyone: do not combine antibiotics with alcohol or, for example, do not drink pills on an

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The norm of cholesterol in the blood of girls 25

Let’s talk about how high cholesterol is treated Cholesterol is a lipid compound synthesized in the liver and circulating in the blood, which is necessary for the human body to build all cell membranes, to


Let’s talk about how high cholesterol is treated Cholesterol is a lipid compound synthesized in the liver and circulating in the blood, which is necessary for the human body to build all cell membranes, to

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Treatment of hypercholesterolemia – high cholesterol levels

High cholesterol diet. Lifestyle and dietary changes remain key links in treatment, so all patients are advised to reduce their intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, increase physical activity and control weight. All patients should be advised


High cholesterol diet. Lifestyle and dietary changes remain key links in treatment, so all patients are advised to reduce their intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, increase physical activity and control weight. All patients should be advised

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What can you eat with diabetes with high cholesterol

Features of eating rice with high cholesterol Is it possible to eat rice with high cholesterol and in what quantity, only the doctor can say after the results of the examination. Cholesterol rises due to improper


Features of eating rice with high cholesterol Is it possible to eat rice with high cholesterol and in what quantity, only the doctor can say after the results of the examination. Cholesterol rises due to improper

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Treatment with folk methods

Alternative medicine offers a large number of recipes. Traditional healers have long known how to quickly lower blood cholesterol at home. These methods should be combined with diet. And if the cholesterol level is much higher than the


Alternative medicine offers a large number of recipes. Traditional healers have long known how to quickly lower blood cholesterol at home. These methods should be combined with diet. And if the cholesterol level is much higher than the

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Depression in a child aged 10-17 years is expressed a little differently than in adults. The parent needs to know how to suspect this ailment. On their own, adolescents rarely talk about their depression, usually they are


Depression in a child aged 10-17 years is expressed a little differently than in adults. The parent needs to know how to suspect this ailment. On their own, adolescents rarely talk about their depression, usually they are

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Postpartum Depression: How Long, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

CThe birth of a child delights relatives and friends. But for a woman, this is a severe test. From sleepless nights, migraine appears. And from the vicious circle, which consists of walking, feeding, washing, walking and motion sickness,


CThe birth of a child delights relatives and friends. But for a woman, this is a severe test. From sleepless nights, migraine appears. And from the vicious circle, which consists of walking, feeding, washing, walking and motion sickness,

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What is postpartum depression and how to get rid of it?

Severe postpartum depression, and it is its symptoms, according to statistical indicators, are found in 12% of new parents. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the environment and the mother herself on maternity


Severe postpartum depression, and it is its symptoms, according to statistical indicators, are found in 12% of new parents. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the environment and the mother herself on maternity

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The world lies in evil

– Then another question arises related to the theme of “depression and faith”. We read the words: “The world lies in evil” (1 John 5:19), at Ecclesiastes we read that everything is perishable (Eccl. 3:20), everything


– Then another question arises related to the theme of “depression and faith”. We read the words: “The world lies in evil” (1 John 5:19), at Ecclesiastes we read that everything is perishable (Eccl. 3:20), everything

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Good people usually get depressed

Every third patient, sitting opposite me in a chair, says: “Doctor, I have depression.” And then you have to figure it out – is it really there, and if so, which one? Facing a wall, or


Every third patient, sitting opposite me in a chair, says: “Doctor, I have depression.” And then you have to figure it out – is it really there, and if so, which one? Facing a wall, or

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