Morphinism and heroinism in case of stopping the drug are characterized by severe withdrawal syndrome with physical and mental dependence. Patients have mood instability, irritability, sloppiness, neglect of work, reduced ability to work, memory and mental abilities. With abstinence, vegetative disorders are sharply expressed: tachycardia, sweating, pain in various parts of the body, psychomotor anxiety, persistent insomnia, sometimes convulsive seizures, delirious states with profound impairment of consciousness, Korsakov’s syndrome, severe trophic disorders, severe metabolic disorders. Morphine withdrawal is difficult. In order to get a drug, patients, as a rule, exhibit exceptional perseverance, ingenuity, etc. Depending on the severity of withdrawal, the drug is canceled suddenly, within a few days or gradually. The first two options are preferable – a sudden or stepwise (within 3-10 days) drug withdrawal. The basis of treatment should be detoxification therapy: intravenous drip of 5% glucose solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution with vitamins and cocarboxylase, hemodesis in combination with diuretics, restorative agents, including insulin in hypoglycemic doses, antipsychotics, cardiac drugs, psychotherapy.