
Cocaine was used for a long time for therapeutic purposes, until its serious consequences in the form of addiction were revealed. Currently, it is not among the drugs. Acute cocaine poisoning is characterized by pale skin, dilated pupils, weakness, dizziness, tachycardia, fainting, psychomotor agitation with confusion, sometimes with profuse visual and tactile hallucinations, delusions. The patient is shown inhalation of amyl nitrite and ether, the introduction of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate, cardiac drugs, etc. Cocaine intake causes euphoria with increased well-being, activity, and intellectual performance. However, its prolonged use leads to severe somatic and mental disorders. In the somatoneurological field, there is a decrease in nutrition, pallor of the skin, scars after injection abscesses, sagging skin and muscles (patients look older than their age), gait insecurity, tachycardia, instability of blood pressure, insomnia, paresthesia, dilated pupils. Pronounced mood swings, irritability, anger, suspiciousness and suspiciousness, sloppiness, selfishness, indifference to work, decreased memory and mental abilities are characteristic. Frequent occurrence of tactile hallucinations is characteristic – sensations on the skin or under it of the crawling of worms, bugs. If you stop injecting cocaine, somatic and mental condition of patients worsens. Cocaine psychosis is often noted as a delirium resembling alcoholic psychosis, or a hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome with visual, tactile and auditory hallucinations, delusions of attitude, influence, jealousy, as well as Korsakov’s syndrome. Treatment begins with cessation of cocaine and the appointment of a comprehensive treatment, including detoxification, cardiac, antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, tranquilizers, restorative drugs and psychotherapy. Hashish, anasha, “plan”, marijuana are the most common drugs, especially in the USA and a number of other capitalist countries. According to the stories of cannabis smokers, when used once, there is a feeling of intoxication, accompanied by brightness and illusory perception, increased mood, a sensation of an unusual surge of strength. A higher dose causes fear, anxiety, a sharp neuropsychic tension, stupor, passing into a deep sleep, with subsequent asthenic phenomena. The systematic use of hash and its analogues leads to the development of addiction (changes in tolerance, physical and mental dependence). Hashishists are characterized by neurosis or psychopathic behavior, and they fall into the attention of psychiatrists, as a rule, in connection with the need to address the issues of forensic psychiatric and military medical examination. Hashishists who were under our supervision usually complained of headache, insomnia, mood instability, irritability, memory loss and mental performance. In the state of abstinence, inconsiderability, insubordination and conflict, a tendency to hysterical reactions and affective “explosions” with aggressiveness, suicidal threats, and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia were observed. The clinical picture of psychosis in chronic hashishism is largely determined by the duration of intoxication. A. U. Shayusupova and M. V. Korkina (1972) identified five variants of psychosis in chronic intoxication with anasha: 1) with prevalence of delirious syndrome or phenomena of confusion (the onset of psychosis is acute or subacute, duration is 3-10 days, when leaving asthenic phenomena or an exacerbation of psychopathic signs are noted); 2) hallucinosis (the beginning is subacute, auditory hallucinations and delusions prevail, affect of anxiety and fear, duration – 2-3 weeks); 3) psychoses proceeding as a pseudo-paralytic syndrome (increased mood, speech, reassessment of one’s personality, up to delusions of grandeur, instability of affects, sometimes heboid and pseudo-dementic behavior); 4) psychoses with a schizophobic picture (gradual onset against a background of prolonged hash intoxication, duration – up to 3-5 months, exit from psychosis without a schizophrenic defect); 5) with a predominance of psychosensory disorders and the phenomena of depersonalization, disturbances in body patterns, episodic vestibular and kinesthetic hallucinations. A. A. Megrabyan and co-authors (1972) noted that a provocative role of hashism in the occurrence of a schizophrenic process is possible, the debut of schizophrenia was preceded by many years of substance abuse. With an acute onset of psychosis, exogenous type of consciousness was observed, with exacerbations – polymorphism of symptoms, episodes of figurative, sensual hallucinatory-delusional experiences, euphoria with rudeness, swagger, cynicism and eroticism, gradual extinction of affect and crystallization of productive symptoms of schizophrenic type. These cases suggest a combination of symptoms of schizophrenia and organic dementia. Summing up the issue of substance abuse and drug addiction, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of this medical problem, since it is associated not only with the diagnosis, treatment and social and labor rehabilitation, but also with socio-economic, socio-psychological, moral, ethical, genetic and general pathological nature . 

local_offerevent_note October 11, 2019

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