Inter-hemispheric asymmetry

A fairly close relationship was found between the dynamic indicators of hemispheric asymmetry (the difference between the dynamometric parameters of the right and left hand) and the parameters of the SCP. The potential difference between the left and right frontal areas (Fs-Fd) positively correlated with the difference in the torque indicators of the right and left hand ( r = 0.61; p <0.01). In quantitative indicators of asymmetry in

The extent to which its qualitative characteristics reflect the degree of asymmetric activity of the cerebral hemispheres at the time of the survey, so the energy characteristics of the FMA are more closely related to the asymmetry of dynamic indicators.

The hemispheric difference of the SCP correlates with other parameters of the SCP distribution. In fact, the many characteristics of SCP appear as a single whole, since it is a reflection of the energy metabolism of the whole brain. Therefore, we carried out a multiple correlation analysis, where the difference between the right-handed and left-handed dynamometric indicators acted as the dependent variable, and the independent indicators of the SCP distribution were independent variables. In this case, the correlation coefficient was 0.84; p <0.00177.

Thus, a certain idea about the connection of the set of characteristics of the SCP and functional hemispheric asymmetry. In this case, there are several facts. The multiple correlation coefficient is higher than the linear correlation coefficient (taken as an absolute value). This means that although there is a link between the difference of the SCP in symmetrical areas and asymmetric postures or motor reactions, as well as the leading eye, this relationship is generally less than the correlation between any asymmetric response of the organism and the entire set of SCP parameters obtained during registration from different areas of the head. The values ​​of the correlation coefficients indicate the presence of a reliable, but low or medium association. After calculating the square of the correlation coefficient, indicating the proportion of influences attributable to the difference of the SCP, we can say that this effect does not exceed 25% of the influence of all factors.This means that for individual right-handers, at the time of the survey, a different potential difference between symmetrical areas can be recorded than in most of the subjects from this population. The difference in constant potentials can vary due to the peculiarities of the functional state of the brain, depending, among other things, on the events that preceded the registration of potentials.

The relationship between qualitative asymmetry indicators and the SCP distribution is weaker than correlations with dynamic asymmetry indicators. The qualitative characteristics of asymmetry simply indicate the presence of asymmetrically organized nerve centers that regulate sensory and motor functions or a combination of functions, as is the case with elevation and left-handedness. The relationship between quantitative indicators of asymmetry and the distribution of SCP can be quite significant, as can be seen

240 on the example of the dynamometric test, since the real degree of asymmetric work of the nerve centers is reflected in the quantitative characteristics of the cerebral energy exchange. In general, in the dominant hemisphere there is a higher level of energy metabolism.

local_offerevent_note June 1, 2019

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