Hygienic requirements for the planning and development (master plan) of the hospital land plot

Medical institutions are located in residential areas, in green or suburban areas, at certain distances from other construction projects (industrial, communal) in accordance with applicable hygiene and architectural and construction standards. Already at the design stage, their removal from railways, airports, highways and other noise sources is envisaged.

Distances between industrial enterprises and public buildings are called sanitary protection zones (SPZ). Depending on the degree of harmfulness of production facilities, the width of these zones can be from 50 to 1000 m. Taking into account the wind rose, the land area of ​​the health care facility should be located on the windward side relative to objects – sources of air and soil pollution. It must be dry, clean, with a standing groundwater level of at least 2 m from the surface of the earth. The main engineering communications (water supply, sewage, etc.) should not pass through the hospital territory .

The area of ​​the hospital’s land is taken depending on the capacity (bed capacity) and the construction system (centralized, decentralized, mixed) in accordance with the standards .

It should be connected with the served area (or settlement) by access roads and approaches.

The rational layout of the hospital site is based on its zoning, which ensures the correct location of buildings, taking into account the functional connection between them, convenient and short driving routes, but with sufficient isolation from each other through a green hedge. The main functional areas are distinguished on the hospital site:

• medical non-infectious buildings;                               

• medical infectious buildings;                               

• children’s corps;                               

• administrative building;                               

• polyclinics;                               

• landscape gardening;                               

• utility buildings (catering, laundry, garage, workshops, boiler room, etc.);                               

• pathological and anatomical corpus;                               

• radiological corps.                               

Between the zones should be provided strips of shrubby green spaces at least 15 meters wide. To improve the insolation, aeration and noise protection of hospital buildings, it is necessary to observe sufficient gaps between them: – between infectious (including tuberculosis and skin venereologic) and non-infectious buildings – not less than 30 meters; – between buildings of medical buildings and buildings of the economic zone – at least 30 meters; – between the walls of buildings with the windows of the chambers – 2.5 heights of the higher opposing building, but not less than 24 meters; – between the ward buildings and the pathological anatomical corps, as well as between the catering unit and the pathological anatomical corps not less than 30 meters. Medical buildings must be placed no closer than 30 meters from the red line of development (the red line is the border between the street and the territory of the microdistrict ) and 30-50 meters from residential buildings, and the clinic building is no closer than 15 meters. Administrative buildings can be placed along the border of the site. The pathological and anatomical building with the ritual zone is maximally isolated from the ward buildings and should not be viewed from the windows of hospital rooms, the garden and park zone , as well as from residential and public buildings located near the territory of the medical institution.

The building density of the hospital site should be within 12-15%, not more. The area of ​​green spaces and lawns occupies at least 60% of the territory (at least 25 m per bed). Along the perimeter of the plot, double-row strips of trees and a number of bushes with a width of 15 meters should be provided.

The correct layout provides for at least two entrances to the hospital – in the medical and economic zones. The latter can be used to approach the pathological anatomical building.

The territory of the hospital should be landscaped, lit and fenced. The height of fences for psychiatric hospitals, tuberculosis and skin venereologic hospitals is at least 2.5 meters, for other hospitals – 1.6 meters.

Pedestrian walkways should be covered with well filtering water or solid materials and have a bias towards drainage ditches. For patients and visitors, relaxation benches with awnings are provided for protection from the sun and rain; litter bins are installed every 50 m. On the hospital’s land is not allowed the location of any external institutions and residential buildings.

local_offerevent_note August 30, 2019

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