Hygienic lighting requirements

Lighting can be considered rational, providing the best conditions for visual work and optimal overall performance, favorable for human health and well-being. “Not good, but poor lighting is expensive” (G. M. Knorring).

Lighting that meets hygiene requirements must provide:

1. A quantitatively sufficient degree of illumination, optimal for the work and well-being of a person;

2. Qualitatively constant in time, uniform illumination in space and the absence of sharp chiaroscuros and glare;

3. The lack of excessive brightness within the working area;

4. Lack of brilliance direct and reflected;

5. In terms of spectral composition, be close to natural


6. The lack of fluorescent lighting strobe-

effect. Hygienic regulation of lighting is determined by the type

light source, its lighting characteristics, the purpose of the premises and the nature of the work in them.

Distinguish between natural and artificial lighting . Premises with a permanent stay of people must have natural light. In some rooms, combined lighting (natural and artificial) is allowed, and only certain special rooms are provided only with artificial lighting.

local_offerevent_note August 29, 2019

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