Changes in the relationship between the characteristics of SCP and SGP with various effects on the body

Under various effects on the body, both the parameters of the SGP and SCP, as well as the character of their interaction, can change . The interrelation between the parameters of SCP and SGP after the massage of biologically active zones (BAZ) changes especially noticeably. Studies were conducted on 24 healthy subjects (average age 34.3 + 1.4 years). Stimulation of BAZ was carried out according to the method of A.A. Umanskaya by acupressure of the following zones of the right and left half of the body: a) the exit zone of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve, b) the submastoid area, c) the sternoclavicular joint. After the massage, the UPP parameters were changed. Shifts of the SCP were associated with baseline values ​​of negative correlation, indicating that SCP was regulated by a negative feedback mechanism. Significant changes in the mean characteristics of the SCP did not occur, but the magnitude of the SCP shifts in modulus was statistically significant (for averaged over all SAR leads, it was 3.9 + 0.6 mV). Significant changes in the average characteristics of the SGP were not observed.The relationship between energy and information indicators of the brain activity as a whole has increased in comparison with the background. If, prior to exposure, latent peri ode SGP were not related to the pair correlation with SCP, after the massage between these parameters were found mnogochis lennye correlation .

The correlation coefficients between the latent periods of the VEP and the UPP of the brain after acupressure of biologically active zones

As can be seen , the increase in SCP correlated with a decrease in the latent periods of the late components of the evoked response. Such an interrelation is explained by the fact that cerebral energy exchange and the SCP reflecting it increase with the activation of the stem reticular formation, which is accompanied by a decrease in the latencies of the late components of the SGP.

The number of reliable coefficients of multiple correlation between SCP and SGP after acupressure also increased .

Multiple correlation coefficients between SCP and SGP in healthy subjects after acupressure of biologically active zones

local_offerevent_note July 31, 2019

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