The structure, composition, placement and layout of buildings, blocks and sections are determined taking into account the profile and capacity of the health care facilities, the need for centralization of individual functional units within the


The structure, composition, placement and layout of buildings, blocks and sections are determined taking into account the profile and capacity of the health care facilities, the need for centralization of individual functional units within the

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Natural lighting and research methods

Sources of natural light are the Sun, diffused light from the sky, and reflected light from the surface of the Earth and the Moon. Natural lighting can be: lateral – through light openings (windows) in the outer walls; the


Sources of natural light are the Sun, diffused light from the sky, and reflected light from the surface of the Earth and the Moon. Natural lighting can be: lateral – through light openings (windows) in the outer walls; the

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Specialized departments and ward sections

The hospital care facility consists of specialized wards, each of which is intended for patients with homogeneous diseases. When planning ward rooms, a dead-end nature of their placement (obstruction) is provided. The department consists of typical ward


The hospital care facility consists of specialized wards, each of which is intended for patients with homogeneous diseases. When planning ward rooms, a dead-end nature of their placement (obstruction) is provided. The department consists of typical ward

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Types of insolation regime of the rooms of the temperate climatic zone of the northern hemisphere

The maximum insolation regimen is recommended for pediatric, tuberculosis, trauma departments, wards for recovering patients, verandas and day rooms. A moderate regimen should be provided for in infectious , surgical and somatic departments. For operating rooms, intensive care units and


The maximum insolation regimen is recommended for pediatric, tuberculosis, trauma departments, wards for recovering patients, verandas and day rooms. A moderate regimen should be provided for in infectious , surgical and somatic departments. For operating rooms, intensive care units and

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Accommodation and internal layout of obstetric units (maternity hospitals)

Obstetric departments (maternity hospitals) are located both in separate independent buildings, and as part of multidisciplinary hospitals – in an isolated unit. The obstetric departments include: physiological birth department – for healthy women in childbirth; Department


Obstetric departments (maternity hospitals) are located both in separate independent buildings, and as part of multidisciplinary hospitals – in an isolated unit. The obstetric departments include: physiological birth department – for healthy women in childbirth; Department

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Lighting technique for assessing natural light

The main indicator of natural light in rooms is KEO – the coefficient of natural light . KEO is the percentage ratio of illumination on a given horizontal surface indoors (level 0.8 meters from the floor or floor


The main indicator of natural light in rooms is KEO – the coefficient of natural light . KEO is the percentage ratio of illumination on a given horizontal surface indoors (level 0.8 meters from the floor or floor

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Department of Pregnancy Pathology

The Department of Pregnancy Pathology is designed as part of the physiological obstetric department at the rate of 30% of the total number of obstetric beds of the “mother-child” type. The observational department is organized when the


The Department of Pregnancy Pathology is designed as part of the physiological obstetric department at the rate of 30% of the total number of obstetric beds of the “mother-child” type. The observational department is organized when the

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Geometric methods for evaluating natural light

Light coefficient (SK) is the ratio of the area of ​​the glass surface of windows (without frames and bindings) to the floor area of ​​the room. It is expressed by an ordinary fraction, the numerator of which


Light coefficient (SK) is the ratio of the area of ​​the glass surface of windows (without frames and bindings) to the floor area of ​​the room. It is expressed by an ordinary fraction, the numerator of which

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Independent practical work of students on the examination of the project of the obstetric department (maternity hospital)

The generic physiological compartment predusmat Riva Xia also cabinet department head, ordinatorskuju room older midwife housewife sisters, Layout (14 m 2 ), a room for the collection, storage and pasteurisation grud- Nogo milk colonic enema et al. Part II. Answer


The generic physiological compartment predusmat Riva Xia also cabinet department head, ordinatorskuju room older midwife housewife sisters, Layout (14 m 2 ), a room for the collection, storage and pasteurisation grud- Nogo milk colonic enema et al. Part II. Answer

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Artificial lighting and research methods

Artificial lighting is the most important condition and means of expanding human activity. It allows lengthen the active time of the day, work at night, in underground structures, during polar nights, etc. Indoor artificial lighting is


Artificial lighting is the most important condition and means of expanding human activity. It allows lengthen the active time of the day, work at night, in underground structures, during polar nights, etc. Indoor artificial lighting is

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