Can a child with epilepsy attend regular day care and school?

For a child with epilepsy, it is important that he not be considered an invalid. Epileptic seizures for him are temporary episodes that should not obscure normal life from him. If epileptic seizures are under control and are rare, and the child does not suffer from mental retardation, he may attend kindergarten and school. The teacher in the kindergarten and the teacher in the school must be informed about the child’s illness and the rules for first aid in convulsive states. If a child has a mental impairment, frequent daily seizures that are difficult to treat, then the child will benefit most from
specialized kindergarten or school.

What mode should be followed for epilepsy, is it possible to play sports?

An important condition for the treatment of epilepsy is the elimination of provoking factors: lack of sleep, alcohol intake, excessive viewing of television programs, abuse of computer games, etc. Patients with epilepsy should have a full 8-hour sleep, you should limit the time spent in front of the TV and computer, exclude alcohol.
Those patients whose seizures are under medical control may engage in sports. In order to assert itself, overcome a sense of physical inferiority, increase social integration, the doctor should encourage patients with epilepsy in sports. It is necessary to free the patient from exercises accompanied by severe hyperventilation, as well as on sports equipment, where there is a danger of falling, riding, jumping from
springboard, scuba diving, i.e. limit to those types of physical activity that will not harm the patient’s health and life in the event of a sudden attack.

What profession can a child with epilepsy get in the future?

Patients with epilepsy have equal rights with other members of society to find work, choose a profession and find a job. Many young people whose convulsions are under control successfully graduate from school and study in secondary and higher educational institutions. There are restrictions for drivers of transport, pilots, military, police, divers, firefighters.

local_offerevent_note April 20, 2019

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