Blood transfusion


Numerous studies have shown that various proteins (agglutinogens and agglutinins) can be in the blood, the combination (presence or absence) of which forms four blood groups.
Each group is given a symbol: 0 ( ), A (II), (III), AB (IV). It was established that only single-group blood can be transfused. In exceptional cases, when there is no single-group blood, and transfusion is vital, transfusion of non-group blood is permissible. In these conditions the blood 0 ( ) can be poured group pain nym with any group of blood and patients having blood AB (IV) group can be any blood transfusion donor group. Therefore th, before starting a blood transfusion, it is necessary to ascertain the patient’s blood group and the group re LEBANON blood. 

Determination of blood type.

To determine blood group are standard GOVERNMENTAL sera of groups 0 ( ), A (II), In (III), which spe cially prepared in laboratories transfusion stations. On the white plate at a distance of 3-4 cm from left to right to give figures I, II, III, indicating the standard serum. A drop of the standard serum 0 ( ) the group pipetted into sector plates, designated Dig swarm ; then a second pipette causes a drop of serum A (II) group under the number II; Serum B (III) groups are also taken and the third pipette is applied under the number III.

Then examinee prick a finger with a glass rod and transferred consequent drop in blood syvorot ki, located on the plate, and mixed until uniform Nogo staining. Transferred to each blood serum with a new bacillus. After 5 minutes from the moment of staining (by the hour!), The blood group is determined by the change in the mixture. In the serum where agglutination will occur (gluing of red blood cells), well-visible red grains and clumps appear; in serum, where agglyuti nation does not happen, a drop of blood will be homogeneous, uniformly colored in pink.

Depending on the blood type of the subject, agglutination will occur in certain samples. If the examinee is 0 ( I of ) blood group, red blood cell adhesion to any si knob will not happen.
If the examinee is A (II) blood group, the agglutination will not only syvo ROTKO group A (II) , and if the examinee has In (III) group, no agglutination will serum In (III). Agglutination is observed with all sera if the test blood is of the AB (IV) group.

Rhesus factor.

Sometimes even with transfusion of single-group blood, severe reactions are observed. Studies have revealed that approximately 15% of people in the blood is not a special protein, so- Vai Rh factor.

If these persons hold a repeat Noah transfusion of blood containing this factor, the WHO niknet severe complication called Rh conflicts that develop and shock. Therefore, at the present time, all patients required to conduct identification of Rh-factor of the torus, as a recipient with a negative Rh factor can be poured only Rh-negative blood.

The accelerated method of determining the re GPV-accessories. On a glass petri dish coated 5 drops of anti-Rhesus sera of the same groups nN that of the recipient. A drop of blood of the subject is added to the serum and mixed thoroughly. A Petri dish is placed in a water bath at a temperature of 42–45 ° С. The reaction results are evaluated after 10 minutes. If blood agglutination has occurred, then the examined person has Rh-positive blood (Rh +); if there is no agglutination, then the test blood is Rh-negative (Rh—). A number of other methods for determining the Rh factor have been developed, in particular using the universal anti-Rhesus reagent D. 

Definition of blood type and Rhesus affiliation to all patients in the hospital. Results of the study are to be Zane Seine in the patient’s passport.


Blood transfusion called introduction krovenos Noe channel patient (recipient) of another human blood (donor). Attempts blood transfusion from one person to another date back to the XVII century, but the operation got its scientific basis and became safe only at the beginning of the XX century, when it was opened for the con izoagglyutinatsii, on the basis of which all people hemagglutinating properties of blood were divided into four groups.
The development of the doctrine of blood transfusion and blood substitutes (transfusiology) is inextricably linked with the names of Russian and Soviet scientists: A. M. Filomafitsky, I. V. Buyalsky, S. I. Spasokukotsky, V. N. Shamov, N. N. Burdenko, etc. .

Blood types.

Numerous studies have shown that various proteins (agglutinogens and agglutinins) can be in the blood, the combination (presence or absence) of which forms four blood groups.
Each group is given a symbol: 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV). It was established that only single-group blood can be transfused. In exceptional cases, when there is no single-group blood, and transfusion is vital, transfusion of non-group blood is permissible. In these conditions the blood 0 ( ) can be poured group pain nym with any group of blood and patients having blood AB (IV) group can be any blood transfusion donor group.

Transfusion of blood group incompatibility with leads to serious complications and death of the patient!

  •                Therefore th, before starting a blood transfusion, it is necessary to ascertain the blood group of the patient and the group re LEBANON blood Rh factor.     
  •                Prior to each blood transfusion, in addition to determining the blood type and Rh factor, produce samples of individual or biological cos patibility. 

A test for individual compatibility is carried out as follows.

2 drops of the patient’s blood serum are added to the Petri dish, to which one drop of transfused blood is added, and they are thoroughly mixed. The result is evaluated after 10 minutes. If agglutination is not present, then the blood is individually compatible and can be re Lebanon patient.
A biocompatibility test is performed at the time of blood transfusion. After the system has to be connected to the transfusion bottle is filled kro twist and attached to a needle located in the lumen with vessels (veins, arteries), start bolus 3- 5 mL of blood and some minutes observe the state of the patient. If no adverse reactions (headaches Bo Do, back pain, heart area, suffocation, skin flushing, chills, etc.), Then follows is blowing recognize the blood of biologically compatible and can hold the overflow of blood. When the reaction during conducted Niya sample or during surgery blood transfusion should be stopped immediately.

Blood transfusion methods.

Blood transfusions may be direct when dialed hydrochloric the syringe blood donor immediately unchanged wi de introduced into the bloodstream of the recipient, and indirect, in which blood from a donor charge for earlier with a solution container, preventing convolution blood vaniyu and then ne relivayut recipient Th cut a while.  

The direct method is complicated, it is used in rare cases, in particular until zaniyam. The indirect method is much simpler, Call, wish to set up to create a blood supply, it is easy to adjust the speed of transfusion, the volume of infused blood to produce transfusion in different conditions (for example measures in the ambulance on the power, planes and so on. D.) And avoid many of the complications that can occur when live way.

You can transfuse blood into an artery, vein, bone marrow.
In the method of administration and Drip distinguish jets Noe transfusion.

Intra-arterial injection of blood is carried out at resuscitation in cases where the need to quickly vozmes tit blood loss, increase the pressure, stimulate dey heart faculty. The most commonly used intravenously Noah transfusion. If it is not possible to puncture a vein, transfusion is performed intraosseously (sternum, calcaneus, ilium).

Indications for blood transfusion.

  •                Acute malokro Vie: transfused blood restores normal Included Quantity GUSTs hemoglobin, red blood cells, the normal volume of circus liruyuschey blood. At high hemorrhage sometimes re Lebanon to 2-3 liters of blood.
  •                Shock: transfusion improves heart function, increases vascular tone, arte ble pressure in severe operations WARNING provides operational development of traumatic shock. 
  •                Chronic debilitating diseases, intoxications, blood diseases: transfused blood stimulates blood formation processes, increases the protective functions of the body, reduces intoxication. 
  •                Acute poisoning (poisons, gases): blood has good detoxification properties, dramatically reduces the harmful effects of poisons.
  •                Disorders of blood coagulation ability: Fracture vanie small doses of blood (100-150 ml) increases its rolling properties.

Contraindications to blood transfusion:

  •                severe inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver, 
  •                nekompensi Rowan heart defects, 
  •                cerebral hemorrhages, 
  •                infiltrative form of pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.

Donation A person who donates part of his blood is called a donor. The donor can be any healthy person aged 18 to 55 years. Suppress appropriate amount of donor blood, for treatment of free running, in our country is donated. Many thousands of healthy citizens, performing their high civic duty, donate blood many times. 

Harvesting of blood in our country is carried out at the camp tions of blood transfusion, blood transfusion in the offices at the major hospitals, in specialized research institutes.

Holiday “International Donor Day” was established by the World Health Assembly in May 2005, during the 58th Geneva session. “Donor Day” is celebrated annually on June 14, as on this day a person was born who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of human blood groups – Karl Landsteiner. Those who donated blood for free more than 30 times are awarded the title of Honorary Donor of Russia and awarded with a badge. Honorary donor also receives benefits and payments.

In the USSR, “Donor Days” were also widely practiced at enterprises, institutions and universities. In these cases, blood was taken to the special mobile operating post Started you or donor studies.

local_offerevent_note March 19, 2020

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