AMR in male athletes before and after training load

If we compare the background distribution of SCP in athletes and men of the same age included in the control group, then nonparametric criteria reveal a significant decrease in athletes of the average SCP by 2.5 mV. Relatively low SCP indicates an economical, low cerebral energy exchange among athletes before exercise.

Under the influence of training in the group as a whole, no statistically significant changes in SCP were observed, with the exception of the values ​​of some local potentials and SCP in bipolar leads. In all cases, the changes were negative, the potential differences after the load minus the potentials before the load in male athletes were presented .

Significant changes in the average parameters of brain SCP under load in male athletes.

On the ordinate axis – change in soft starter after load, the colored columns are arithmetic mean, unpainted – standard error

After the load, the biochemical parameters of the peripheral blood changed: the lactate content increased by 5.1 + 0.46, the pH decreased by 0.21 + 0.0076, the ratio 2NH 3 / N increased by about 2.5 times . The average value of PANO per 1 kg of mass was 19.21 + 0.44 units.

The question arises, why does the average change slightly with an increase in lactate and a significant increase in blood acidity under the influence of the load? SCP, generally speaking, reflects the ratio of acidity in the blood flowing from the brain to the blood of peripheral vessels. In athletes, significant physical activity causes acidification of peripheral blood. At the same time, a high motor load at a certain stage triggers the central mechanisms of stress, which is characterized by the intensification of cerebral energy processes, accompanied by an increase in acidity in the brain (section 6.6). An increase in the production of lactic acid by the brain during exercise was experimentally shown in studies on volunteers who evaluated the concentration differences of lactate in the blood flowing in and out of the brain (K. Ide et al., 2000). The unidirectional dynamics of pH in the brain and in the peripheral blood changes their ratio little, as a result of which no significant changes in SCP occur.

In some subjects, the AMR under the influence of the load can vary in different ways. If all the athletes examined are divided into 2 groups depending on the magnitude (more or less than 10 mV) of the SCP after the load, then between the groups there are significant differences in the ANSP value, in the initial parameters of the SCP and its responses to the load.

In the group of athletes with a high averaged SCP after a load (17.5 + 1.2 mV), compared with athletes with a low SCP (4.1 + 0.9 mV), the ANSP was significantly less. The value of PANO per 1 kg of mass was 17.9 + 0.5, respectively. and 20.2 + 0.6 units. In subjects with high SCP after training, the initial SCP was also higher in all areas except the frontal, and during the load its further growth was observed. The averaged SCP before the load in the first group was 13.0 + 1.9 mV, during training it increased by 4.5 + 1.7 mV. In athletes with low SCP after loading, the initial SCP was significantly lower (7.0 + 1.6 mV), during training it decreased by 2.5 + 1.6 mV. There was a positive correlation between the initial averaged SCP and its changes under load ( r = 0.54, p = 0.003).

ANSP is an indicator that allows you to judge the physical fitness of the athlete. A lower ANSP level indicates poorer exercise tolerance and greater sensitivity to stress. The transition to anaerobic metabolism and a decrease in blood pH causes an release of ACTH (K. de Meirleir et al., 1986), which plays a key role in the activation of stress mechanisms (section 6.6). Under severe stress, when the increase in acidity in the brain is more significant than in peripheral blood, SCP increases during exercise. Therefore, the relationship between low ANSP and SCP growth seems logical. Stress, in turn, can reduce the psychophysiological abilities of an athlete, and the stronger it is, the lower the ability to perform the task. And, indeed, low ANSP athletes developed relatively low power. This is typical for athletes with a relatively low anaerobic threshold and high SCP. Data on a positive correlation between the initial SCP and its dynamics during training indicate that a high level of cerebral energy metabolism in pre-workout increases the likelihood of a stress response to the load.

With a decrease in SCP during training, the opposite picture is observed: the acidity in the peripheral blood rises more significantly than in the brain. In individuals with a lower average SCP, correspondingly lower levels of cerebral energy consumption and, as can be expected, more stress-resistant, the anaerobic threshold was higher, and sports achievements were also higher. Therefore, a positive correlation of the ANSP value with the power developed by the athlete ( r = 0.41, p <0.05) is logical .

Data on the relationship between acidosis and the adverse effects of stress during exercise are used to correct athletes. Thus, in a double-blind study conducted on several hundred athletes, it was shown that the use of mineral carbonated water containing sodium bicarbonate, which improves the buffer properties of blood, before loading increases the tolerance of the load in parallel with a decrease in blood acidosis (M. Rieu, 2000). There are other methods for correcting coronary artery disease during physical exertion. Thus, AMR, as an indicator of KShchR, is informative for monitoring the functional state of athletes during training.

local_offerevent_note September 4, 2019

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