Dynamic characteristics of FMA

The dynamic characteristics of an FMA are conveniently investigated using SCP, since energy processes are directly involved in the activities of asymmetrically located nerve centers. Indicators of cerebral energy metabolism correlate well with various types of sensory, motor and postural asymmetries.

More than 400 subjects of different gender and age took part in our examination, among which right-handers prevailed. To assess the lateralization of functions, standard tests were used from the corresponding questionnaires. Right-handed people included subjects who considered themselves right-handed and had a pronounced right-sided organization of the motor functions of the hands. In the presence of sensory functions (eyes, ear) in such subjects, the left laterality was considered to be right-handed with the left leading eye, etc.

Quite often, between the symmetric parts of the head, located parasaggitally, a stable potential difference was recorded. In our study, the main attention was paid to the difference between the UPP between the symmetric temporal regions, which will be further analyzed in detail. Adult healthy right-handers from 17 to 50 years also recorded a statistically significant difference in SCP between the symmetric parts of the frontal, central, and occipital regions, while in the left hemisphere the SCP was higher than in the right hemisphere (Fig. 11.1). This indicates a higher level of exchange in the left, dominant, hemisphere, compared with the subdominant.

The ordinate axis – UPP. On the abscissa axis – areas of lead: Fd-Fs – right and left frontal, Cd-Cs – right and left central, Od-Os – right and left occipital, Td-Ts right and left temporal. The colored bars are the arithmetic average of the inter-hemispheric difference of the SCP in different leads, the uncolored rectangles are the magnitude of the standard error

local_offerevent_note June 8, 2019

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