Features of brain energy metabolism

Unlike other organs, the energy requirements of the brain are satisfied mainly due to aerobic glucose catabolism. The brain is practically not capable of synthesizing glucose from proteins and fats (gluconeogenesis). The passage of glucose through the


Unlike other organs, the energy requirements of the brain are satisfied mainly due to aerobic glucose catabolism. The brain is practically not capable of synthesizing glucose from proteins and fats (gluconeogenesis). The passage of glucose through the

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Simplified Glucose Metabolism in the Brain

The high rate of energy metabolism of the brain is associated with intensive formation of macroergic compounds – ATP and creatine phosphate. The creatine phosphate – creatine system plays a role in stabilizing the level of


The high rate of energy metabolism of the brain is associated with intensive formation of macroergic compounds – ATP and creatine phosphate. The creatine phosphate – creatine system plays a role in stabilizing the level of

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General concepts of acid-base balance in the blood and brain

The hydrogen indicator of blood and, especially, the brain is maintained at a fairly stable level, and its changes significantly affect the activity of many enzyme systems. Despite the fact that the release of acidic metabolic


The hydrogen indicator of blood and, especially, the brain is maintained at a fairly stable level, and its changes significantly affect the activity of many enzyme systems. Despite the fact that the release of acidic metabolic

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BBB selective permeability

This barrier is a system that supports the selective flow of substances from the blood to the brain and vice versa, which creates conditions for the relative independence of metabolism in the brain. Anatomically, the BBB


This barrier is a system that supports the selective flow of substances from the blood to the brain and vice versa, which creates conditions for the relative independence of metabolism in the brain. Anatomically, the BBB

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Neurophysiological predictors of death

The neurophysiological study of aging is closely related to the analysis of age-dependent characteristics. There are a huge number of physiological indicators, the age dynamics of which have been studied in elderly and old people. Obviously, the


The neurophysiological study of aging is closely related to the analysis of age-dependent characteristics. There are a huge number of physiological indicators, the age dynamics of which have been studied in elderly and old people. Obviously, the

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Changes in cerebral energy metabolism during the transition from wakefulness to sleep

In the transition from wakefulness to sleep, in parallel with the increase in slow-wave activity on the EEG, cerebral energy metabolism decreases. Local cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption by the brain decrease during sleep by


In the transition from wakefulness to sleep, in parallel with the increase in slow-wave activity on the EEG, cerebral energy metabolism decreases. Local cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption by the brain decrease during sleep by

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Change in cerebral energy metabolism and SCP in sensory stimulation

It is well known that sensory stimulation increases the intensity of energy metabolism in the nerve centers involved in the transmission and processing of information rmatsii . During photostimulation, there is a two-wave increase in blood flow in


It is well known that sensory stimulation increases the intensity of energy metabolism in the nerve centers involved in the transmission and processing of information rmatsii . During photostimulation, there is a two-wave increase in blood flow in

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Changes in cerebral energy metabolism during training

The learning process is accompanied by increased cerebral energy metabolism and local cerebral blood flow. N of data LMK measured in humans using SPECT, grew at a visually-motor learning. In the work of these authors, training was carried out


The learning process is accompanied by increased cerebral energy metabolism and local cerebral blood flow. N of data LMK measured in humans using SPECT, grew at a visually-motor learning. In the work of these authors, training was carried out

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The effect of hyperventilation on brain energy metabolism

Energy metabolism and oxygen consumption are closely related. The higher the oxygen consumption, the more intense is the energy metabolism. It would seem that with increased ventilation of the lungs and, correspondingly, a greater supply of oxygen


Energy metabolism and oxygen consumption are closely related. The higher the oxygen consumption, the more intense is the energy metabolism. It would seem that with increased ventilation of the lungs and, correspondingly, a greater supply of oxygen

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Changing the potential difference between the hands during hyperventilation.

And it is clear that hyperventilation starts a two-phase process: alkalosis in the free hand corresponds to the negative phase, after the end of hyperventilation, the potential difference is gradually restored. After removing the cuff and blood


And it is clear that hyperventilation starts a two-phase process: alkalosis in the free hand corresponds to the negative phase, after the end of hyperventilation, the potential difference is gradually restored. After removing the cuff and blood

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