If it will be difficult for you to believe this, then just think to what extent the images of sexual attractiveness in our society are connected with the methods of sophisticated alcohol consumption. How many women got their first sexual experience in an alcoholic atmosphere! And this suggests that this very important experience takes place entirely in the key of dominion. The strongest argument in favor of legalizing any means or substance is that society was able to survive the legalization of alcohol. If we can withstand legal alcohol consumption, then what substance, what drug will the structure of our society not endure?

We are almost ready to view tolerance for alcohol as a distinguishing feature of Western civilization. This tolerance is associated not only with the approach in the spirit of dominion to sexual politics, but also, for example, with a certain dependence on sugar and meat, which complement the alcoholic lifestyle. Despite all sorts of oddities in natural nutrition and a general increase in knowledge on the part of the diet, the typical American adult diet continues to be sugar, meat and alcohol. This “hardened diet” is neither healthy nor environmentally sound; it leads to heart disease, land misuse, alcoholism and poisoning. In short, it embodies everything that is wrong with us, everything that we are left with as a result of a millennium of unhindered adherence to the dogmas of the culture of dominion.We have gained the triumph of the dominion style – the triumph of high technology and the scientific method – mainly due to the suppression of some not so significant emotional and “just tangible” aspects of our existence. Alcohol was always where we needed to turn to it in order to move us further along the same path. Alcohol helps a man to gain courage in battle, a man and a woman – the determination to make love, and he always maintains a proper perspective with regard to the person consuming it, and the world as a whole. It is alarming to realize that the thin web of diplomatic agreements and treaties between us and nuclear Armageddon barely held was woven in an atmosphere of that sentimentality and loud bravado that is always characteristic of an alcoholic’s personality.

local_offerevent_note July 18, 2019

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