Changes in cerebral energy metabolism during training

The learning process is accompanied by increased cerebral energy metabolism and local cerebral blood flow.

N of data LMK measured in humans using SPECT, grew at a visually-motor learning. In the work of these authors, training was carried out in a conflict situation, i.e. moving the target in the right direction required moving the arm to the left and vice versa. This caused hyperperfusion in the frontal cortex (including the additional motor region), in the caudate nucleus and shell of the right cerebral hemisphere, as well as in the left cerebellar hemisphere. Correlation of LMC in the frontal cortex and basal ganglia indicated the functional relationships of these brain structures. The fulfillment of the hand-eye problem was accompanied by a negative shift of the SCP with an amplitude of less than 1 mV in the frontal and at least in the central regions, which correlated with the success in solving the hand-eye problem. Allocation of the SCP was performed when the reference electrode was placed on the earlobe, which, as discussed earlier, leads to a decrease in recorded shifts of the SCP. This is due to the fact that on the earlobe, the potentials of vascular origin change in the process of exertion and as well as on the head. As shown in the section, the shifts in the pH of the brain, and therefore the SCP, are determined by the ratio between the increase in CO 2 production and the increase in cerebral blood flow, under the influence of which carbon dioxide is washed out from the brain. With enhanced leaching of CO 2 , despite an increase in energy metabolism, the pH shifts in the alkaline direction, which is accompanied by a negative shift in the SCP. A more significant increase in energy metabolism is associated with the accumulation of acidic products in the brain and an increase in SCP.

When teaching the passage of the Hekhausen labyrinth in children of 6 years, there was a positive shift in SCP in the frontal region with respect to the central, occipital and temporal regions. Local SCP in the frontal region significantly increased by 3.2 mV. In addition, in girls in whom the hemisphere relations were sufficiently formed, there was an increase in SCP in the right temporal region, apparently due to the predominant involvement of the right hemisphere in solving the spatial problem (V.F. Fokin et al .

Changes in SCP during the learning process are associated with a negative correlation with the initial level of potential (Fig. 6.1). The average values ​​of the local SCP, as well as changes in the SCP under the influence of the training procedure in the occipital region were close to zero. If before the training the SCP was close to the average value, then it did not change much, and the further the background SCP was located, the greater these changes were .

The dependence of shifts of SCP on its previous level was also detected in cats when abducted from the skull during the development of an active defensive reflex. The shifts in animals themselves reached several millivolts and were directed towards the arithmetic mean value of the SCP recorded in the period preceding the training. At the same time, the variance of the characteristics of SCP after training was significantly less, compared with the background .

When registering directly from the brain, many authors have shown the presence of slow changes in SCP during the development of a conditioned reflex.

The amplitude and temporal characteristics of slow changes in SCP are different at the initial and late stages of reflex development. In the early stages of TB Shvets and R.S. Mnukhin noted the predominance of potentials of a negative direction, while in the later stages positive changes dominate. The amplitude of potential changes in some cases exceeds 1 mV . It should be noted that changes in SCP on the surface of the head, as a rule, occur simultaneously with shifts of SCP in the brain, although these changes in most cases have a different sign.

Thus, the nature of the shift in SCP during training is generally similar to that described for afferent stimulation. This suggests that the neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying this shift in SCP are similar to those described in the previous section, they are determined by the conjugate nature of changes in energy metabolism and regulation of LMC. The balance of these components determines the magnitude of the SCP and KShchR on both sides of the BBB membrane.

local_offerevent_note September 14, 2019

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