Hygienic fundamentals of ventilation

Ventilation (air exchange) refers to the change of polluted air in enclosed spaces by outside atmospheric air. For the first time, scientifically substantiated requirements for air exchange in residential premises were proposed at the end of the last century


Ventilation (air exchange) refers to the change of polluted air in enclosed spaces by outside atmospheric air. For the first time, scientifically substantiated requirements for air exchange in residential premises were proposed at the end of the last century

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Specific prevention of nosocomial infections

Specific prophylaxis or immunization is aimed at increasing the resistance of patients and staff to nosocomial infections, it is divided into planned and emergency. Routine prophylaxis or vaccination (active immunization) begins with the newborn period – in


Specific prophylaxis or immunization is aimed at increasing the resistance of patients and staff to nosocomial infections, it is divided into planned and emergency. Routine prophylaxis or vaccination (active immunization) begins with the newborn period – in

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Sanitary value of carbon dioxide in indoor air

Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless and therefore not organoleptically detected by humans; it is 1.5 times heavier than air and usually accumulates in its lower layers, including in the zone of human respiration; in significant concentrations,


Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless and therefore not organoleptically detected by humans; it is 1.5 times heavier than air and usually accumulates in its lower layers, including in the zone of human respiration; in significant concentrations,

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Determination of indoor air exchange

Air exchange is characterized by ventilation volume and multiplicity. The volume of ventilation is the amount of air introduced (or supplied) into the room within one hour. It is possible to determine both the required ventilation


Air exchange is characterized by ventilation volume and multiplicity. The volume of ventilation is the amount of air introduced (or supplied) into the room within one hour. It is possible to determine both the required ventilation

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The epidemiological significance of the phase of bacterial dust

The epidemiological end of the bacterial dust phase is associated with those types of microorganisms that do not lose viability upon drying. The resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to drying is very different. It is known that in the coarse-grained


The epidemiological end of the bacterial dust phase is associated with those types of microorganisms that do not lose viability upon drying. The resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to drying is very different. It is known that in the coarse-grained

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Types and systems of ventilation

Types of ventilation . By the method of supplying air to the room, natural and artificial (mechanical) ventilation are distinguished , and depending on the method of organizing air exchange, local, general and combined (local + general). Ventilation systems . The air entering the room is called


Types of ventilation . By the method of supplying air to the room, natural and artificial (mechanical) ventilation are distinguished , and depending on the method of organizing air exchange, local, general and combined (local + general). Ventilation systems . The air entering the room is called

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Filtration method of air seeding

The filtration method of air inoculation consists in passing a certain volume of air through a liquid nutrient medium. The simplest is Dyakonov’s method, in which air (10-12 l) is passed through an electric aspirator through a


The filtration method of air inoculation consists in passing a certain volume of air through a liquid nutrient medium. The simplest is Dyakonov’s method, in which air (10-12 l) is passed through an electric aspirator through a

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Artificial ventilation

Artificial (mechanical) ventilation is the movement of air due to mechanical motivation using special devices – fans. Compared to the natural one, it is more effective due to significant pressure, and the inflow and exhaust are


Artificial (mechanical) ventilation is the movement of air due to mechanical motivation using special devices – fans. Compared to the natural one, it is more effective due to significant pressure, and the inflow and exhaust are

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The method of bacteriological research of air using the Krotov device

1. Connect the device to the mains. 2. Place an open Petri dish with a dense nutrient medium on the disk. When determining the total bacterial contamination, 2% meat-peptone agar is used for inoculation; in determining staphylococci


1. Connect the device to the mains. 2. Place an open Petri dish with a dense nutrient medium on the disk. When determining the total bacterial contamination, 2% meat-peptone agar is used for inoculation; in determining staphylococci

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Organization of rational air exchange of the main premises of the ward

The organization of air exchange in the departments of hospitals (except infectious) is carried out according to the following principle – to exclude or to limit as much as possible dangerous air flows from dirty


The organization of air exchange in the departments of hospitals (except infectious) is carried out according to the following principle – to exclude or to limit as much as possible dangerous air flows from dirty

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