Changes in cerebral energy metabolism during training

The learning process is accompanied by increased cerebral energy metabolism and local cerebral blood flow. N of data LMK measured in humans using SPECT, grew at a visually-motor learning. In the work of these authors, training was carried out


The learning process is accompanied by increased cerebral energy metabolism and local cerebral blood flow. N of data LMK measured in humans using SPECT, grew at a visually-motor learning. In the work of these authors, training was carried out

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The effect of hyperventilation on brain energy metabolism

Energy metabolism and oxygen consumption are closely related. The higher the oxygen consumption, the more intense is the energy metabolism. It would seem that with increased ventilation of the lungs and, correspondingly, a greater supply of oxygen


Energy metabolism and oxygen consumption are closely related. The higher the oxygen consumption, the more intense is the energy metabolism. It would seem that with increased ventilation of the lungs and, correspondingly, a greater supply of oxygen

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Changing the potential difference between the hands during hyperventilation.

And it is clear that hyperventilation starts a two-phase process: alkalosis in the free hand corresponds to the negative phase, after the end of hyperventilation, the potential difference is gradually restored. After removing the cuff and blood


And it is clear that hyperventilation starts a two-phase process: alkalosis in the free hand corresponds to the negative phase, after the end of hyperventilation, the potential difference is gradually restored. After removing the cuff and blood

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The reaction of AMR to hyperventilation in the weak (A) and strong (B) type.

Vertical lines are the beginning and end of hyperventilation. F, C, O, Td, Ts – SCP registration areas It can be assumed that in a reaction of the “strong” type, intracranial processes are masked by a


Vertical lines are the beginning and end of hyperventilation. F, C, O, Td, Ts – SCP registration areas It can be assumed that in a reaction of the “strong” type, intracranial processes are masked by a

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Specific mechanisms of regulation of pH of cerebrospinal fluid and brain

The CSR of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) washing it is little dependent on changes in the pH of other body systems. This isolation is useful because the acidity of the extra- and intracellular


The CSR of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) washing it is little dependent on changes in the pH of other body systems. This isolation is useful because the acidity of the extra- and intracellular

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Dynamics of cerebral energy metabolism in reading and mnestic processes

In recent decades, significant changes have occurred in views on the cerebral organization of the processes of speech, reading and memory. More than 100 years ago P. Broca and K. Wernicke based on data on speech


In recent decades, significant changes have occurred in views on the cerebral organization of the processes of speech, reading and memory. More than 100 years ago P. Broca and K. Wernicke based on data on speech

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Reading shifts when reading out loud compared to the background

The ordinate axis shows the shift of the soft starter under the influence of reading. Colored bars are the arithmetic mean, light bars are the standard error. Only reliably changing SCP parameters are presented ( p <0.05) As can be seen from


The ordinate axis shows the shift of the soft starter under the influence of reading. Colored bars are the arithmetic mean, light bars are the standard error. Only reliably changing SCP parameters are presented ( p <0.05) As can be seen from

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Changes in cerebral energy metabolism under stress

Stress (general adaptive syndrome) is a set of stereotypical adaptive reactions that occur in the body in response to the action of an extreme stimulus of any nature. Factors causing a stress reaction are called stressors. As


Stress (general adaptive syndrome) is a set of stereotypical adaptive reactions that occur in the body in response to the action of an extreme stimulus of any nature. Factors causing a stress reaction are called stressors. As

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Preoperative stress

Almost all patients in the period immediately preceding surgery, even if the threat to life is small, experience great excitement, and they have characteristic signs of stress. It was shown that at this time the biochemical


Almost all patients in the period immediately preceding surgery, even if the threat to life is small, experience great excitement, and they have characteristic signs of stress. It was shown that at this time the biochemical

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Investigation of the relationship between brain SCP parameters and the level of the stress hormone cortisol

To analyze the causes of changes in SCP during stress, we studied the relationship between the level of the stress hormone cortisol and brain SCP parameters in 19 healthy subjects of both sexes (15 women,


To analyze the causes of changes in SCP during stress, we studied the relationship between the level of the stress hormone cortisol and brain SCP parameters in 19 healthy subjects of both sexes (15 women,

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