By the nature of the occurrence, artificial and spontaneous abortions are distinguished . Artificial abortion is an operation in which mechanical expansion of the cervix is ​​performed, then separation and removal of the ovum from the uterus. According to


By the nature of the occurrence, artificial and spontaneous abortions are distinguished . Artificial abortion is an operation in which mechanical expansion of the cervix is ​​performed, then separation and removal of the ovum from the uterus. According to

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The pathogenesis of chronic alcoholism

In chronic alcoholism, significant biochemical and immunological changes occur in the body. A violation of the ratio of protein fractions in serum was found (an increase in the content of fractions of a-globulins, slow B- and


In chronic alcoholism, significant biochemical and immunological changes occur in the body. A violation of the ratio of protein fractions in serum was found (an increase in the content of fractions of a-globulins, slow B- and

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Alcohol psychoses

In accordance with the ICD of the 9th revision, alcoholic psychoses include acute and prolonged hallucinatory and delusional psychoses that arise in connection with the use of alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic encephalopathies, accompanied by gross


In accordance with the ICD of the 9th revision, alcoholic psychoses include acute and prolonged hallucinatory and delusional psychoses that arise in connection with the use of alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic encephalopathies, accompanied by gross

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Delirium tremens (alcoholic delirium)

According to N. G. Shuisky, delirium tremens accounts for 25-50% of all “meta-alcoholic” psychoses. It is observed in chronic alcoholism lasting 5-10 years or more, usually in the II or II-III stages of the disease, 2-4


According to N. G. Shuisky, delirium tremens accounts for 25-50% of all “meta-alcoholic” psychoses. It is observed in chronic alcoholism lasting 5-10 years or more, usually in the II or II-III stages of the disease, 2-4

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Etiology and pathogenesis of alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies

Acute and chronic alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies occur in patients with alcoholism as a result of chronic intoxication, chronic alcoholic brain damage – initially functional, then organic in nature. When pathological intoxication occurs, alcohol plays the


Acute and chronic alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies occur in patients with alcoholism as a result of chronic intoxication, chronic alcoholic brain damage – initially functional, then organic in nature. When pathological intoxication occurs, alcohol plays the

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Oligophrenia (insanity), like psychopathy, is an anomaly of personality development. It is characterized by general mental underdevelopment, the predominance of intellectual deficiency due to hereditary or congenital inferiority of the brain or its defeat in the early


Oligophrenia (insanity), like psychopathy, is an anomaly of personality development. It is characterized by general mental underdevelopment, the predominance of intellectual deficiency due to hereditary or congenital inferiority of the brain or its defeat in the early

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Intoxication polyneuropathies

The penetration of industrial and other exogenous poisons into the body most often occurs through the respiratory system. Importance kmeet and skin contact with liquid toxic substances (tetraethyl lead and mixtures thereof, amidonitrosoedineniya benzene, various solvents and so forth.). The effect


The penetration of industrial and other exogenous poisons into the body most often occurs through the respiratory system. Importance kmeet and skin contact with liquid toxic substances (tetraethyl lead and mixtures thereof, amidonitrosoedineniya benzene, various solvents and so forth.). The effect

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Interest in the problem of neurosis

Interest in the problem of neurosis is determined primarily by the high prevalence of this suffering. According to official WHO data, the number of neuroses over the past 65 years has grown 24 times, while the number


Interest in the problem of neurosis is determined primarily by the high prevalence of this suffering. According to official WHO data, the number of neuroses over the past 65 years has grown 24 times, while the number

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Neurosis treatment

Treatment of far-reaching forms of neurosis, neurotic development is a very difficult task, therefore, of course, special attention should be paid to the prevention of neurosis. G.K. Ushakov identifies the social, psychological and medical aspects of


Treatment of far-reaching forms of neurosis, neurotic development is a very difficult task, therefore, of course, special attention should be paid to the prevention of neurosis. G.K. Ushakov identifies the social, psychological and medical aspects of

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Clinical forms of neurosis

Neurasthenia. Neurasthenia is characterized by four main groups of clinical manifestations: neuropsychiatric, dissomic , cephalgic and vegetovisceral . The most typical are asthenic disorders in the form of increased physical and mental fatigue. Characterized by a decrease in memory and attention, increased irritability, unstable


Neurasthenia. Neurasthenia is characterized by four main groups of clinical manifestations: neuropsychiatric, dissomic , cephalgic and vegetovisceral . The most typical are asthenic disorders in the form of increased physical and mental fatigue. Characterized by a decrease in memory and attention, increased irritability, unstable

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