This section provides data on athletes before and after intensive training, since extreme loads led to significant shifts in biochemical and physiological parameters. In athletes belonging to different groups of asymmetries, depending on the prevalence of SCP in the right or left hemisphere, the biochemical indices of blood and urine did not practically differ to the load. However, after exercise, going with a significant excess of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (ANSP), the differences were revealed quite clearly.
The most favorable biochemical parameters were in the group of athletes with higher SCP values in the left temporal region. Judging by the ANSP and the state of CSR, the prevalence of SCP in the right hemisphere after physical exertion on the more severe consequences of training stress. Thus, the lowest pH values of peripheral blood were in athletes of the group where the values of SCP in the temporal region of the right hemisphere were higher compared to the left.
It should be noted separately that the group with approximately equal values of SCP in both hemispheres did not also possess optimal metabolic characteristics. In this group, the indicators of protein catabolism were increased – a high level of urea and amino nitrogen was observed. Increased lactate indicated lower ANSPs.
Some biochemical parameters of blood and urine after severe physical exertion in three groups of athletes with different characteristics of the FMA.
N am (amine nitrogen), lactate and pH – were determined in the blood, urea in the urine. Concentrations of biochemical parameters are given in arbitrary units.
Thus, it seems that the best biochemical indicators after transferred physical exercise are found in athletes with a predominance of SCP in the left hemisphere. Of course, this pattern is not absolute. It is clear that the very high values of SCP in the left hemisphere can also reflect one of the options for impaired energy metabolism. However, in this survey, athletes with a moderate predominance of SCP in the left hemisphere for a number of significant biochemical parameters differed in the best characteristics from athletes of the other two groups.
The dynamic characteristics of FMA are associated with the functional state of the brain and the organism as a whole. According to the SCP in adult healthy right-handers in a state of calm wakefulness, energy metabolism is higher in the left, dominant hemisphere. In left-handers, on the contrary, energy exchange tends to prevail in the right hemisphere, they also have more variability of this indicator. In addition, left-handers compared with right-handers have a higher energy exchange in the parietal-occipital regions of the brain.
Adult hemispheric differences are formed by 9–10 years of age, and in girls earlier. They are an indicator of brain maturation and are related to learning success. In old age, hemispheric differences become unreliable as a result of an increase in the variability of hemispheric parameters depending on individual differences in changes in blood flow and energy metabolism in the hemispheres of the brain during aging.
In middle-aged people, the hemispheric asymmetry of energy exchange varies depending on the time of day and functional loads. Morning and afternoon energy metabolism in right-handers prevails in the left hemisphere, in the evening – in the right. With loads that activate predominantly the left hemisphere (for example, speech), the predominance of energy processes in it increases, and when the right hemisphere is activated (solving visual- spatial orientation tasks ), on the contrary, the energy exchange increases in the right hemisphere.
Adaptation processes are closely related to the change in FMA Under moderate stress, activity often moves to the subdominant hemisphere, which is accompanied by a change in central regulation of homeostasis. Perhaps such a switch is a kind of rest for the activities of the dominant hemisphere. However, with some types of pathology, and possibly with aging, such switching is difficult, which is accompanied by a violation of adaptation processes. The dynamics of inter-hemispheric relations with non-mineralized load is associated with the initial PMA by negative correlation, that is, it is regulated according to the principle of negative feedback, and depends on the intensity of the impact.
In this chapter, evidence was given that the large, in terms of SCP, activity of one of the hemispheres in the temporal areas, as well as their equality, reflect different functional states. Perhaps this is due not only to the different roles of the right and left hemispheres in the organization of higher mental functions, but also because they form morpho-functional formations, as it were, different from each other, with certain differences in connections with subcortical structures. Based on this, the features of neurophysiological, biochemical, immunological and other characteristics are more understandable in subjects with different types of functional asymmetry.