Asymmetry of correlations

The asymmetry of correlations is clearly visible when studying the multiple correlation and regression of the characteristics of SCP and SGP. If the set of characteristics of the SCP is taken as a set of independent variables, and the individual characteristics of the SGP are taken as dependent variables, then the number of significant multiple correlation coefficients will be significantly less than in the opposite case, when the characteristics of the SGP are considered as a set of independent variables, and the SCP indicators are dependent . The number of independent variables is greater in the set of characteristics of the SGP than in the parameters of the SCP.

Let us consider the asymmetry of correlations by the example of a sample of healthy young and middle-aged subjects. We examined 24 healthy men, average age 34.3 + 1.4 years.

Multiple correlation coefficients between the characteristics of SCP and VEP, when a set of characteristics of SCP is considered as a set of independent variables of SCP between the frontal and right temporal, occipital, and right temporal leads, respectively. The rest of the notation is the same .

From the regression equations, it follows that the amplitudes of the N1, P2 components, registered in the right hemisphere, are related to the SCP difference in the same hemisphere . The amplitude of the components of the SGP can be described using only one parameter of the SCP, and these parameters of the SCP do not necessarily reflect the state of the visual system, but are related to the functional state of the right hemisphere. Based on these data, it can be assumed that the intensity of energy processes in the right hemisphere has an impact on the amplitude characteristics of the components of the SGP of the same hemisphere, and the higher the SCP in the right temporal region with respect to the frontal and occipital parts of the brain .

Multiple correlation coefficients between the characteristics of the SCP and the SGP, when a set of characteristics of the SGP is considered as a set of independent variables

For selected regression equations containing only one or two variables associated with the latent periods of the SGP. Most regression equations are organized according to a single principle, namely: the equations include two independent variables representing the time parameters of the same component of the SGP, registered in the right and left hemispheres, with approximately equal coefficients, but with different signs. The sign of the variable, which refers to the components of the VEP of the right hemisphere, is always negative. This means that with an increase in latency of late components of the VEP of the right hemisphere relative to the left, there is a decrease in the average SCP or its other characteristics. In contrast, an increase in SCP is observed in cases where the laten of the late components of the SGP below in the right hemisphere. A change in the ratio of the amplitude and time parameters of the VEP of the right and left hemispheres is characteristic of stress development (LR Zenkov, PV Melnichuk, 1985). It can be assumed that a shorter latent period reflects a greater level of activation of one or another hemisphere. A shorter latent period in the right hemisphere is associated with higher values

SCP in the same hemisphere and in the brain as a whole, than in the reverse situation, when the latent period is less in the left hemisphere. This is consistent with the evidence that with increasing levels of stress, reflected in the growth of cerebral energy exchange, the hemispheric asymmetry changes, while, as a rule, the activation of the right hemisphere increases (see also Chapter 11, “Energy characteristics of brain activity and functional hemispheric asymmetry). ) “.

local_offerevent_note August 2, 2019

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