

More than a hundred years ago, a French scientist Pasteur until it seemed that the processes of decay and fermentation caused by Mick of the microorganisms which. English surgeon Lister on the basis of the work of Pasteur came to the conclusion that infection of wounds is due to the ingress of these mikroor -organisms. The first thought about wound infection with “hospital miasms” was expressed by N. I. Pirogov. Long before Lister, he used alcohol, lapis, and iodine to disinfect wounds.

Man is constantly in contact with a huge if honors germs in the air and the surrounding boiling subjects. On the skin and mucous membranes healthy person can find a variety of mikroorga closers. However, they penetrate into the body only when naru shenii intact skin or mucous membrane by wounds, abrasions, injections, burns, reduction of protective properties of the organism, disrupting blood supply COOLING your color, exhaustion and weakening of the human body with common diseases.

To introduce into the tissue causing microbes in the place of about penetration suppurative inflammation (festering wounds, abscesses, cellulitis) , and in more severe cases, in contact with them in the blood – the general purulent infection (sepsis).   

Most surgical procedures (surgery, injection blockade, intravenous and subcutaneous injection, and so on. D.) Is accompanied by one or another violation tse Lost skin, thereby becoming a cart possible penetration of bacteria into the organism. Prev prezhdenie infected wounds and fighting mikroorganiz Mami, trapped in the wound, made with the help of a set of measures known as the “antisep tick” and “aseptic”.


Antiseptic – a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures directed PARTICULAR to destroy germs in the wound, the wound creating conditions unfavorable to the development of microbes and their penetration into tissues.   

Antiseptic is performed by mechanical, INDIVIDUALS Skim, chemical and biological methods. Mechanical antiseptic is to remove the Research Institute of necrotic wounds and crushing tissues, clot blood Cove, An example of a mechanical anti septic tank – primary debridement, to toruyu performs a doctor in a hospital. Physical antiseptic – a quartz irradiation wound, the Introduction of it wetted hypertonic sodium chloride solution drains different, tampons and turundas secu framing the wound and pus outflow fluid outward, creating unfavorable conditions for the development of an infection in the wound. This method of antiseptics is mainly used in the provision of medical care.

Most importantly, the chemical and bi ologicheskaya antiseptic, m. F. The use of substances that destroy trapped in wound micro robe or slowing their proliferation (bactericidal and bacteriostatic agents).

Chemical antiseptic substances.

There are a huge number of disinfectants, but most of them to one degree or another have a damaging effect on the tissue of the wound surface, so the use of such funds should be reasonable, taking into account their harmful effects and according to indications.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide (Sol Hydrogenii peroxydi diluta.) – colorless liquid mild disinfectant, deodorant has good (to delete yuschim odor) action. Apply hydrogen peroxide in the form of a 3% solution. When touching the wound re hydrogen KazISS A solution of hydrogen peroxide are widely used for time machivaniya dried bandages, dressings with. 

Potassium permanganate (Kalii permanganas) – crystals of dark purple color, easily soluble in water. The solution has a mild disinfectant effect. For the treatment of festering wounds apply 0.1-0.5% tensile thief as tanning agent in burns, ulcers, prolezhit nyah – 5% solution. 

Boric acid (Acidum boricum) – white crystal cal powder was dissolved in water. It is used in the form of a 2% solution for washing the mucous membranes, wounds, cavities. 

5% alcohol iodine solution (Sol. Jodi spirituosa, Tinctura jodi 5%). Used to disinfect operating fi eld and the surgeon’s hands, disinfect the skin in wounds s, lubricating abrasions and scratches. 

Iodonate (Jodonatum) is a dark brown liquid with a faint smell of iodine. Easy to mix with water. Applied as a 1% solution for processing opera -insulating field and in emergency cases obrabot hand ki. 

Iodoform (Jodoformium) is available in powder form; ointments and emulsions are made from it. It is used to treat purulent wounds. 

Chloramin B (Chloraminum B) is a white or slightly yellow crystalline powder with a characteristic smell of chlorine. Easily soluble in water, it has an anti- septic and deodorizing effect. For washing putrefactive wounds consume 1-2% solution, for Dezin fektsii hands, gloves, tools – 0.25-0.5% tensile thief. Store the solution in a dark bowl. When church nenii drug in solution in a few days decomposing etsya and loses its antiseptic properties. 

Mercury dichloride (Hydrargyri dichloridum) – two-chloris mercury, mercuric chloride – a heavy white powder. It is soluble in water. Use a solution of mercuric chloride in unless Denia 1: 1000. Zulema – the strongest poison, easily suction fi etsya even through intact skin, vyzy Vai fatal poisoning, so it should be stored in shpirayuschihsya cabinets with a label clearly indicating that they are poison. Sulemu used mainly for dezinfek tion care items for infectious patients and gloves. 

Diocidum (Diocidum) – a mercury-containing antiseptic, a two-component composition, from which, using a special technique, a solution is prepared that has high bactericidal activity. The most commonly used sterilant for tion of plastic articles and tools in Dilute SRI 1: 1000. 

Collargol (Collargolum) – colloidal silver, soluble in water (colloidal solution). Dark solution brown or red-brown color, causing bacterium tsidnoe, astringents and cauterizing action. For sprin tsevany, enema, eye washes and nasal cavities consume lyayut 0.2-1% solution, cautery – 5-10% races creates. 

Silver nitrate (Argenti nitras), or lapis – highly active antiseptic. Causes Presser gayuschie and anti-inflammatory effect. Weak tensile thieves silver nitrate (1: 3000) are used to indu Bani bladder, 10-30% solutions – for Presser Hassium granulation tissue in the wound, and others. 

Ethyl alcohol (Spiritus aethylicus) – colorless Yid bone with a characteristic odor. Used as a 70% and 96% solutions for disinfecting the cutting tool (knife, scissors, etc.), The suture (silk), the operative field, disinfection and tanning the hands hirur ha and the skin around the wound. Bactericidal alcohol increases sharply with ADD lenii thymol and aniline dyes in it. The alcoholic solution of thymol (1: 1000) – high antiseptic formulation of effectiveness ciency up to 30 times greater than the 3% solution of carbolic acid, but it does not have negative properties: Res who smell, irritating, etc… 

Brilliant green (Viride nitens). Using 1% alcoholic solution for sterilization of instruments, with the lubricating skin pustular lesions unseat nach and scratches. 

Novikova liquid consists of tannin shaved liantovogo green, ethyl alcohol, castor oil and collodion. Colloidal mass dries quickly and the image of a skin tight elastic film. Used as an antiseptic to treat minor skin lesions. 

Methylene blue (Methylenum coeryleum). Alcohols howling 2% solution was used in the treatment of burns, 0.02% aqueous solution – to wash the cavities. 

Degmin (Degminum) – derivative vysokomolekulyar GOVERNMENTAL alcohols and geksametilenamina. Easily soluble in at de, has a significant bactericidal effect. 1% solution was used for the treatment of hands and the operation onnogo field. 

Ethacridine lactate (Aethacridini lactas), or waterfront nol – crystalline powder of yellow color. Slightly soluble in cold water, easier in hot. For washing cavities and purulent wounds, a 0.05% solution is used. 

Furacilin (Furacilinum) – a crystalline powder of yellow color. Very slightly soluble in water, is a good antiseptic, acting on most pyogenic microbes. Used at a dilution of 1: 5000 for washing festering wounds, cavities, burn on surfaces, bedsores. 

A solution of ammonia 10% (Sol. Ammonii caustici 10%), or ammonia, is a clear liquid with a pungent odor. Easily soluble in water. For handwashing, referring Botko contaminated wounds and surgical field applying dissolved 0.5% solution. 

Phenol pure (Phenolum purum), or acid ct Bolov (Acidum carbolicum crustallisatum), – colorless crystals with a characteristic pungent odor. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether. Phenol solutions have a strong bactericidal effect. 3-5% solutions are used to disinfect patient care items, linen, secretions, etc. Premises disinfected with soap car Bolov solution. Phenol is easily absorbed through the skin, which can cause poisoning. 

A solution of formaldehyde (Sol Formaldehydi.) – transparent Nye liquid with a peculiar smell, is toxic. Prima nyayut as a disinfectant in the processing and hand tools (0.5% solution), for disinfection Perch current drains.


As antiseptic agents, sulfonamide drugs are also used. Possessing good bacteriostatic actions (inhibiting the growth and reproduction of microbes), they have almost no harmful effect on the body. These properties allow them to be widely used to combat infectious tion.

Of this group of drugs most propagation of received streptocid, norsulfazol, etazol, sulfadi Mezin, sulgin, ftalazol, sulfadimethoxine. For pro galaxies, infection in the wound sulfonamides administered orally, in special circumstances may topical application (dusting wound); sulfonamides for intravenous administration (norsulfazole sodium) have been created. When festering wounds sulfonamides used topically in ointments and emulsions, which provide reliable hydrochloric disinfection without disturbing the wound healing process.

Biological antiseptic substances.

Biological antiseptic performed using various bactericidal and bacteriostatic by prep comrade biological origin contribute Unicov tozheniyu microbes belonging to a wound or in the body. These include antibiotics – a substance produced mye microorganism or by a synthetic pu order, and drugs that increase the protective functions tion organism: vaccines, serum gamma globules us, etc…

Antibiotics. Much of the credit receipt and the study Research Institute of the first domestic antibiotics belong to the -Soviet scholar B. 3. Ermoleva. Antibiotics, getting into the body, actively influence the growth and reproduction of micro robov. Most antibiotics act on defined ny kind of microbe, but many of them are effective against several species at the same time. Currently nai more widely used drugs of ne nitsillina, streptomycin, tetracycline, neomycin sul fop (kolimitsin) monomitsin, erythromycin, sigmamitsin, gentamicin sulfate (garamitsin), kanamycin rondomitsin et al. Created synthetic (chloramphenicol, Shinto mitsin, morfotsiklin ) and semi-synthetic (cephaloridine (tseporin), ampicillin, oxacillin sodium, methacycline hydrochloride), and others. antibiotic tics. 

Antibiotics are used topically (washing and watering of the wound with solutions of antibiotics, bandages with ointments and emulsions of antibiotics) and the inside (through the mouth heads nym manner intramuscularly and subcutaneously and vnut Riven). Microorganisms rapidly adapt to anti biotics, become insensitive to them. Therefore, antibiotic therapy is performed under the control of the sensitivity Nosta microorganisms to the used antibiotics.

Sometimes, after using antibiotics, complications are observed: allergic edema, urticaria and even shock. Therefore, at the moment, before you start treatment, conduct biological samples tolerance antibiotic ticks.

Antibiotic solutions are used to sterilize instruments, equipment, suture material. Most ste sterilization is a supplement to antibiotics and chemical carried immediately prior to a surgical manipuyatsiey.


More than a hundred years ago, a French scientist Pasteur until it seemed that the processes of decay and fermentation caused by Mick of the microorganisms which. English surgeon Lister on the basis of the work of Pasteur came to the conclusion that infection of wounds is due to the ingress of these mikroor -organisms. The first thought about wound infection with “hospital miasms” was expressed by N. I. Pirogov. Long before Lister, he used alcohol, lapis, and iodine to disinfect wounds.

Man is constantly in contact with a huge if honors germs in the air and the surrounding boiling subjects. On the skin and mucous membranes healthy person can find a variety of mikroorga closers. However, they penetrate into the body only when naru shenii intact skin or mucous membrane by wounds, abrasions, injections, burns, reduction of protective properties of the organism, disrupting blood supply COOLING your color, exhaustion and weakening of the human body with common diseases.

To introduce into the tissue causing microbes in the place of about penetration suppurative inflammation (festering wounds, abscesses, cellulitis), and in more severe cases, in contact with them in the blood – the general purulent infection (sepsis).   

Most surgical procedures (surgery, injection blockade, intravenous and subcutaneous injection, and so on. D.) Is accompanied by one or another violation tse Lost skin, thereby becoming a cart possible penetration of bacteria into the organism. Prev prezhdenie infected wounds and fighting mikroorganiz Mami, trapped in the wound, made with the help of a set of measures known as the “antisep tick” and “aseptic”.


Aseptic is a complex of measures aimed at preventing the entry of microbes into the wound. This is achieved by complete disinfection of all objects that may come into contact with the wound. 

The complete destruction of microbes and their spores on surgical underwear, tools, suture and dressings, gloves and hands of surgeons is called sterilization. Sterilization is carried out in various ways: steam under pressure (autoclaving), dry heat, piercing, boiling, burning, aging in antiseptic solutions and antibiotic solutions. Sterilization by radioactive radiation (gamma rays), UV rays (mercury-quartz lamps) , etc. is widely used . An object is considered sterile if there are no microbes on its surface and in its thickness that can multiply. The sterility of objects is controlled by bacteriological culture on special nutrient media.  

local_offerevent_note March 3, 2020

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