
Angiotrophoneurosis is a combined group of pathological phenomena that occur, as a rule, in the distal arms and legs, less often on the face (nose, ears, lips). The leading ones are vegetative-vascular-trophic disorders, which gave reason to designate them as autonomic polyneuritis. There is no true, primary, multiple, infectious lesion of the peripheral nerves, therefore neither the term “polyneuritis” nor the more modern and adequate ” polyneuropathy ” are adequate. Leading in the pathogenesis of the disease are vasomotor disorders. More often than others in the group angiotrofonevrozov common symptom Rhine on, with isolated disease Raynaud’s syndrome and Raynaud’s , occurs against a background of other diseases. In the classical form, Raynaud’s symptom complex proceeds in the form of seizures consisting of three phases: 1) blanching and cooling of the fingers, accompanied by pain; 2) the addition of severe cyanosis and increased pain; 3) the appearance of a bright red color of the skin, subsiding pain. The duration of the attack is several minutes. It is not always a question of the presence of all the classical phases in an attack. There are three stages of the course of the disease. In stage I, against the background of cold fear , blanching of the fingers (more often II and III), legs, nose, tongue, ears occurs symmetrically on both sides, after which the pain syndrome develops (the pains are burning, tearing). Gradually, the duration and frequency of seizures increases. In the II stage of the disease, acroasphyxia joins , persisting outside of the attacks. In the III stage, trophic disturbances in the fingers predominate, traumatic injuries and inflammatory processes easily arise and heal slowly, the terminal phalanges can dissolve and reject, sclerodactyl (deep disfiguring deformation of the fingers) can develop . To differentiate the disease and the syndrome, the criteria of Ellen and Brown are used. The first is characterized by: 1) the presence of attacks of blanching or cyanosis in the fingers and upright parts of the face, arising under the influence of cooling, emotional and other irritations (sometimes for no apparent reason); 2) the symmetry of the lesion (usually on the legs), on the hands of the disease may begin earlier on one side; 3) the absence of gangrene and gangrenous foci on the skin of the fingers (typical for obstructive vascular disease); 4) the exclusion of somatic diseases starting with Raynaud’s symptom complex ; 5) the observation duration of at least 2 years. Naturally, it is precisely the set of criteria (and not one of them) that is reliable. Raynaud ‘s syndrome often occurs in the picture of connective tissue diseases, among which scleroderma should be noted , in which it occurs in 80% of cases. The role of occupational diseases is great: vibration disease, intoxication with various chemical agents. Vertebrogenic diseases (syndrome of the anterior scalene muscle, additional cervical rib, pectoralis minor muscle, etc.) can have a similar picture of the disease, as well as diseases of the central nervous system (syringomyelia, cerebral strokes), endocrine disorders (thyrotoxicosis, menopause) . The syndrome differs from the disease according to the specified criteria, one-sided process, age and gender of patients. It is important to note that even with these diseases, it may not develop a syndrome, but Raynaud’s disease . The syndrome of the “dead hand” is characterized by one-sidedness, prolonged pallor of the II-V fingers, and the absence of trophic disorders. There are a number of acroparesthesic syndromes unrelated to Raynaud ‘s disease . In mild forms of acroparesthesia there are only subjective complaints (crawling, tingling, numbness), localized in the distal sections (Schulz form). In more severe cases, objective changes also join – pallor and cooling of limbs ( Notnagel form ). There are transitions to conditions characterized by chronic acrocyanosis : persistent cyanosis, swelling, mild hypesthesia – Cassirer acroasphyxia . There are benign and malignant forms of Raynaud’s disease , the course of which depends on many factors (physical condition, emotional environment, age, profession). The prognosis for life is generally favorable. In addition to diseases that occur with spasticotonic changes in blood vessels, there are syndromes that reflect the reverse process – pathological vasodilation. The easiest erethoses among them , manifested by a tendency to reddening of the skin. V. M. Bekhterev described acroeretosis – painless redness of the distal arms. The most serious disease is erythromelalgia described by Weir- Mitchell . It is manifested by a sudden attack of burning pain and bright redness in the area of ​​one foot or hand. Local temperature rises, swelling and sweating appear. The attack occurs under the influence of heat, light pressure (blanket, shoes), mainly at night. As the disease progresses, pain becomes more frequent, trophic disorders of the skin, nails, and bones appear. The pain is reduced when the affected limb is immersed in cold water. There was a tendency to consider angiotrophoneurosis as lesions of the segmental vegetative system and, in particular, as “lateral polio”, a pathology of the lateral horns of the spinal cord. For a number of forms (especially with a one-sided process), this position is true, although this is not about poliomyelitis, but about mechanical compression of blood vessels and nerves against a background of vertebrogenic disease. In relation to Raynaud’s disease and a number of its syndromic manifestations, data are currently being accumulated that allow us to express a different point of view. The symmetry of the lesion, its connection with neurotic disorders, with a number of diseases of the central nervous system, the role of the emotional factor as a provocateur of attacks, EEG data and a pharmacodynamic analysis of the disease with sufficient justification confirm the cerebral origin of this syndrome. It is important to take into account the special connection of vasomotor reactions of the hands with the emotional state, which was reflected not only in everyday observations (cold, hot, sweaty hands and feet during excitement), but also in the development of methods for studying the skin-galvanic reflex (RAG) – one of the most reliable methods of objectification of emotional shifts. Emotional sweating, in contrast to thermoregulation, is mainly manifested on the hands and feet. To date, a large number of observations has accumulated on the relationship of cerebral disorders with the occurrence and course of anti-trophic disorders. All of the above allows us to conclude about the role of cerebral disorders in the picture of the described syndromes, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of peripheral mechanisms participating in their pathogenesis. 

local_offerevent_note October 3, 2019

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