Etiology of chronic alcoholism

By analogy with other mental diseases, alcoholism can be attributed to multifactorial, polyetiological diseases with complex pathogenetic mechanisms affecting various levels of the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.Existing theories of the


By analogy with other mental diseases, alcoholism can be attributed to multifactorial, polyetiological diseases with complex pathogenetic mechanisms affecting various levels of the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.Existing theories of the

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The pathogenesis of chronic alcoholism

In chronic alcoholism, significant biochemical and immunological changes occur in the body. A violation of the ratio of protein fractions in serum was found (an increase in the content of fractions of a-globulins, slow B- and


In chronic alcoholism, significant biochemical and immunological changes occur in the body. A violation of the ratio of protein fractions in serum was found (an increase in the content of fractions of a-globulins, slow B- and

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Treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism

The most effective comprehensive treatment method. Patients with alcoholism are treated on an outpatient and inpatient basis, at the request of patients and forcibly, in psychiatric and specialized drug treatment facilities.In the treatment of alcoholism, several


The most effective comprehensive treatment method. Patients with alcoholism are treated on an outpatient and inpatient basis, at the request of patients and forcibly, in psychiatric and specialized drug treatment facilities.In the treatment of alcoholism, several

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Alcohol psychoses

In accordance with the ICD of the 9th revision, alcoholic psychoses include acute and prolonged hallucinatory and delusional psychoses that arise in connection with the use of alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic encephalopathies, accompanied by gross


In accordance with the ICD of the 9th revision, alcoholic psychoses include acute and prolonged hallucinatory and delusional psychoses that arise in connection with the use of alcoholic beverages, and alcoholic encephalopathies, accompanied by gross

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Delirium tremens (alcoholic delirium)

According to N. G. Shuisky, delirium tremens accounts for 25-50% of all “meta-alcoholic” psychoses. It is observed in chronic alcoholism lasting 5-10 years or more, usually in the II or II-III stages of the disease, 2-4


According to N. G. Shuisky, delirium tremens accounts for 25-50% of all “meta-alcoholic” psychoses. It is observed in chronic alcoholism lasting 5-10 years or more, usually in the II or II-III stages of the disease, 2-4

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Acute alcohol hallucinosis

It appears more often at the remote stage of chronic alcoholism (with a duration of 10 years or more), that is, in the II-III stage. It occurs mainly against the background of withdrawal symptoms. In the clinical


It appears more often at the remote stage of chronic alcoholism (with a duration of 10 years or more), that is, in the II-III stage. It occurs mainly against the background of withdrawal symptoms. In the clinical

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Chronic alcoholic hallucinosis

These include verbal hallucinosis, lasting more than 6 months. Acute hallucinosis is possible at first, more often repeated, in combination with depressive-paranoid symptoms.According to I.V. Strelchuk (1970), chronic verbal hallucinosis without delirium most often occurs. With this


These include verbal hallucinosis, lasting more than 6 months. Acute hallucinosis is possible at first, more often repeated, in combination with depressive-paranoid symptoms.According to I.V. Strelchuk (1970), chronic verbal hallucinosis without delirium most often occurs. With this

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Etiology and pathogenesis of alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies

Acute and chronic alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies occur in patients with alcoholism as a result of chronic intoxication, chronic alcoholic brain damage – initially functional, then organic in nature. When pathological intoxication occurs, alcohol plays the


Acute and chronic alcoholic psychoses and encephalopathies occur in patients with alcoholism as a result of chronic intoxication, chronic alcoholic brain damage – initially functional, then organic in nature. When pathological intoxication occurs, alcohol plays the

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Treatment of patients with alcoholic psychoses

Therapy should be comprehensive. Patients with acute severe psychoses are referred for treatment to specialized wards or intensive care units.The tactics of treating alcohol delirium depend on the severity of its course. In mild and moderate severity,


Therapy should be comprehensive. Patients with acute severe psychoses are referred for treatment to specialized wards or intensive care units.The tactics of treating alcohol delirium depend on the severity of its course. In mild and moderate severity,

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Involutional Mental Pathology

General characteristics and classification of involutional mental pathology In psychiatry, the age from 45 to 60 years was considered preschool, and over 60 years old – senile. The following periodization of age was adopted at the


General characteristics and classification of involutional mental pathology In psychiatry, the age from 45 to 60 years was considered preschool, and over 60 years old – senile. The following periodization of age was adopted at the

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