Combined nerve and tendon damage

Finger flexor tendons and nerves at the level of the lower third of the forearm and wrist joint are so close that isolated tendon damage without simultaneous damage to nerve trunks is relatively rare. In this regard,


Finger flexor tendons and nerves at the level of the lower third of the forearm and wrist joint are so close that isolated tendon damage without simultaneous damage to nerve trunks is relatively rare. In this regard,

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Qualified Medical Assistance

According to the materials of the Great Patriotic War in the Department of Medical Medicine, the diagnosis of nerve damage in injuries of the extremities was rarely established.Injuries of large blood vessels, bones, joints, extensive destruction of soft


According to the materials of the Great Patriotic War in the Department of Medical Medicine, the diagnosis of nerve damage in injuries of the extremities was rarely established.Injuries of large blood vessels, bones, joints, extensive destruction of soft

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Acute polyradiculoneuropathy of Guillain-Barre

A disease called by the French neurologists Guillain and Wagghe (1916) “the primary acute treatable polyradiculoneuritis with protein- cell dissociation.” It is due to the primary demyelination of the fibers of the peripheral nerves and roots. It is characterized by the acute development of symmetrical flaccid paralysis,


A disease called by the French neurologists Guillain and Wagghe (1916) “the primary acute treatable polyradiculoneuritis with protein- cell dissociation.” It is due to the primary demyelination of the fibers of the peripheral nerves and roots. It is characterized by the acute development of symmetrical flaccid paralysis,

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Angiotrophoneurosis is a combined group of pathological phenomena that occur, as a rule, in the distal arms and legs, less often on the face (nose, ears, lips). The leading ones are vegetative-vascular-trophic disorders, which gave reason to


Angiotrophoneurosis is a combined group of pathological phenomena that occur, as a rule, in the distal arms and legs, less often on the face (nose, ears, lips). The leading ones are vegetative-vascular-trophic disorders, which gave reason to

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Diphtheria polyneuropathy

Diphtheria polyneuropathy – a very rare variant of damage to the nerve trunks now, is a microbial- toxic lesion of mainly motor nerves. This is a toxic, not an inflammatory process. The breakdown of myelin and subsequent degeneration of nerve fibers


Diphtheria polyneuropathy – a very rare variant of damage to the nerve trunks now, is a microbial- toxic lesion of mainly motor nerves. This is a toxic, not an inflammatory process. The breakdown of myelin and subsequent degeneration of nerve fibers

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Allergic polyneuropathies

The allergic nature of some types of polyneuropathies is indicated by both clinical observations and the results of experimental and morphological studies. The clinical picture of polyneuropathy is known , which develops rapidly and often ends in recovery – of an allergic type


The allergic nature of some types of polyneuropathies is indicated by both clinical observations and the results of experimental and morphological studies. The clinical picture of polyneuropathy is known , which develops rapidly and often ends in recovery – of an allergic type

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Intoxication polyneuropathies

The penetration of industrial and other exogenous poisons into the body most often occurs through the respiratory system. Importance kmeet and skin contact with liquid toxic substances (tetraethyl lead and mixtures thereof, amidonitrosoedineniya benzene, various solvents and so forth.). The effect


The penetration of industrial and other exogenous poisons into the body most often occurs through the respiratory system. Importance kmeet and skin contact with liquid toxic substances (tetraethyl lead and mixtures thereof, amidonitrosoedineniya benzene, various solvents and so forth.). The effect

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Lead polyneuropathies

Lead paresis is an example of a predominant lesion of the motor fibers of peripheral nerves. The conditions for their occurrence are found in lead mines, in the smelting of lead, in pottery and printing industries, in


Lead paresis is an example of a predominant lesion of the motor fibers of peripheral nerves. The conditions for their occurrence are found in lead mines, in the smelting of lead, in pottery and printing industries, in

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